Are there any actual arguments against universal healthcare?

Are there any actual arguments against universal healthcare?

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illegal aliens

niggers and kikes

>More effective
We are not fat like you mutts thats the only difference

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These are the net benefactors of your social welfare. The only benefit actual taxpayers get, is that as many of them wont turn to crime etc.
But a one-way tickets to a uranium mining camp in Greenland for criminals, would solve that issue much cheaper.

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The actual price of medicine is not realised and is subsidized compliments to the US.

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I've been waiting like 4 weeks so far to get a dermatologist to check out a spot on my leg which is most likely melanoma. By the time they actually see me it will probably have spread to my lymphatic system, requiring shit like radiation to treat when they could have just cut it out in about thirty seconds 4 weeks ago. Meanwhile my taxes are paying for safe injection sites and police handing out "safe drugs" to junkies.

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Are there any arguments against free money?

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Iatrogenic death is the third leading cause of death. Also, they have been torturing babies for seventy odd years now. Involuntary circumcision and early umbilical cinching. The consequences of these ethnocidal kike policies and practices are life-long and syndromic. The bulwark of the medical profession ought to be arrested and put in re-education camps or otherwise put on trial and punished. Emancipation was a mistake.

You can't have open borders and a welfare state. I'll let you guess which choice the kikes made

/biz knows most of the answer to this prospect.

The main argument is that it is fucking garbage, and it gives the government the 'right' to control everything about your life because it's now the burden of every taxpayer.

Enjoy deteriorating for 6 years while you wait for an operation because the round-robin distribution of healthcare put you last on the list. In America you get instant care and can just default on the bill like a Chad.

The question, as always, comes down to how to pay for it.

The only reason the Europeans can afford their free-everything system is because they've been saved the cost of paying for their own national defense for the last 60 years.,

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If you kikes are trying to convince me to support universal healthcare then the whole COVID debacle was probably not a good move.

It will be used by globohomo to import tens of millions of africans and prioritize them in front of the working Whites

Free nigger doctors, angry lesbian nurses, chankoro specialists and loxist kike administrators.

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Another excuse for infinite gibs and power to freemasons, jews and other criminals.

A better way would be increase the quotas allowed for medical school. The medical organization controls it to fix the doctors wages. They argue you won't get the best doctors, but as long as you maintain the entrance grades, it should be fine.

ZOG legerdemain. Absolutely Perfidious.