Is buying a mobile home another way for the powers that be to ass blast every day Americans or a based starter house

Is buying a mobile home another way for the powers that be to ass blast every day Americans or a based starter house

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It's ass rape. They depreciate like cars instead of holding or gaining value like a regular home. 99% of the time you also have to pay lot rent. You don't even own the property you live on.

I'm living in a van down by the river.

You get some white trash bitch pregnant with 3 kids and drive a forklift at Wal-Mart? Yeah get a Trailer. More space and privacy then an appartment.

It's only worth it if you own the land It's on. Paying lot rent is retarded and honestly should be illegal

Florida has hurricanes. Buy land and save for strong shelter here. Drill a deep well.

the whole point is to have some space. get a few acres

>having a shelter in Florida
Go back to Jersey cocksucker

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This, and the trailer park usually has a monopoly on your utilities and jews you on the association fees. The manager usually owns a few trailers and gets work done on them and charges it to the association for her personal benefit.

It's possible to put it on your own land. Wonder if any bank would lend you the money for the land if they knew you intended to put a manufactured, mobile home, tiny house on it. Most houses should be depreciating with the land being the only thing maintaining or increasing value. A lot of homes are moldy deathtraps and you'd spend a fortune gutting it to its bare bones instead of just demolishing the fucking thing.

I've seen ground leases in business areas. So not only are they not going to build anything to add value, they expect someone else to build and create a viable business while they do jack shit.

Buy acreage.
Buy trailer for 5,000 that keeps you warm and dry. Put it somewhere hidden in the back. Do it again, put it somewhere else you can't hear the residents. Rent one, stay comfy in the other.
Use the money to build house of dreams until livable.
Sell trailers or rent them both for double your mortgage.

I see no problem here. You'll need to drill a well and have septic approved anyways. Pioneers lived in fucking tents and wagons while they cut and milled thier own lumber for houses and barns. Get the right property and make the right investments in cattle or farm leasing and you can make cash even faster. Land is not something that just appreciates for no reason. It can generate wealth. Rent prices have more to do with demand for housing than SFH's.

Trailer parks are basically slums for redneck Christcucks.

>Paying lot rent is retarded and honestly should be illegal
what is property tax?

Mobile homes don't hold up to the elements and rot pretty quick. Build you a metal shop house or barndominium, the roof will last forever.

My block house is my shelter nigger. Go back to being a fat lazy cunt.

I agree.
The crazy thing is though, why do these outrageously priced places attract such filth of humanity to live there?
How the fuck can they afford to live there?
I mean spics, nigs, drug dealers, thieves, and of course white trash, lol.

Mobile homes became very weird. Years ago mobile homes were very cheap and became a practical alternative to a traditional home. Now manufactured homes are over 100k so it's largely impractical to live in one.

Of course if you buy it ready-made from someone else then the market will set a value depending on what people are willing to pay for it. Depending on where in the world you live yes it becomes just stupid to buy a mobile home for 100k€/$ and then spend all the trouble getting adequate water and electricity supply + surviving winter and so on.

If you buy an older mobile home, put in arc fault interrupt breakers in the panel.
Aluminum wiring in them is not of good quality.

I own a movil. Pretty comfy

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Or build a tree house.

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