Make 140k a year

>make 140k a year
>2/3 of my income goes to rent because that's what the cost of living is where these jobs are at
>after a year of saving with other expenses manage to save 8k
>at that rate would take me well over 50 years just to get a tiny house here

Maybe getting into to tech was a bad idea is 28 too late to switch to a trade?

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Just get a camper van.

Oh mutt cuck lives in his commie state boo hoo

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Get roommates dumbass

even in Silicon Valley rent is not 7700/month

>make 140k a year
>2/3 of my income goes to rent because that's what the cost of living is where these jobs are at
New York? San Fran?

Work from home and move to the boonies


I dont claim this negative energy.

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cant you work remote?

literally just sleep in your office and don't tell anyone
do this for like 2-3 years
use saving for down pay on house
avoid rent

>make 45k a year
>no expenses or dept
>save about 20k a year
>have a house, a car, and never worry about food
>put about 20% of my paycheck into 403b and stocks
>projected to retire in late 40s early 50s

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housing market is about to collapse. reduce your expenses and buy silver, also get a gun if you haven't already

never too late to live as you were intended to live.
a man that does not know how to work with his hands is no more than an animal.

>housing market
debunked, market has actually stabilized in many states.
>b-but it's still insanely high
yeah, but it stabilized and people are still buying those houses. It's when no one will buy the houses would it crash.
spotted the kike shill
if you're not investing in rural land you might as well be a nigger. PMs should be less than 10% of your portfolio.


You pay 4000 petrol dollars a month for rent?

I'm going to assume everything is true.

I did the STEM path. I'm older, late 50's, and as good as I was in the field I could not compete with the nepotism that went with the immigrant chinks and pajeets. And watching my field get destroyed in quality.

At 28 it's definitely NOT too late to look at a trade. If I could choose again I would have gone with a trade. This is someone with an actual engineering degree in EE, post-grad degree, post-doc opportunity at the time for a first rate research lab you would would have heard of.

But tech is shit now. The field is flooded with immigrants and I've even had them complaining about the pay being too low to live on. Fuck heads.

Take your time to figure out what you really want to do and make an informed decision. But don't get caught up in the sunk cost fallacy and stay hitched to a path that is going nowhere just because it's the only thing you know.

You've got decades of a good life ahead of you. Make the changes you need to make to reach out and take that life for yourself.

Good luck!

>he doesnt buy physical precious metal
NGMI, and cringe

How retarded are you? Most of the tech jobs offer remote. Just move to Midwest. They’ll cut pay a little, but you’ll still live good

>works in tech
>doesn’t work remote
I live outside Corpus Christi and make 225k as an SDE

>I'm going to assume everything is true.
then you are a gullible idiot.

Hahahahahahajaha yes join the trades

Lol, lmao


Please join us slaves hahahahahahahaha

Find a way to convince your boss that you need to Work from home. Tell him you'll be moving back near your parents place or a relatives place where it's cheap since you need to take care of them or something. Might kill any chance for moving up but 140k? Stay there for a couple of years and you should have enough to maybe buy that home you want with savings to boot.

I might be in a 3rd world country but I work remote for a foreign company. Pays great and I'm still staying at my parents place for a couple of months before moving out with the money I've saved up with remote working. Had I accepted the offer to work at said company in a 1st work country, I'd never be able to save enough money to buy my own land and home with enough savings to last me a couple of years should something bad happen.

It's not hopeless OP. You can find a way, just take the time to think and plan it thoroughly.

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