What are we even achieving by talking about politics here every day...

What are we even achieving by talking about politics here every day? We're literally just wasting time and doing nothing productive that creates meaningful change

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OK shill

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It's a cafeteria, a social club for disenfranchised middle classers who use politics the same way the fight club used brawling

>nothing productive
normally I'd agree with you, but this place somehow managed to meme Trump into the white house and his SC selections that lead to are doing things nobody would have dreamed about over the last few decades

You're wrong, we open minds here.
Even if one retarded normie wakes up thank to ur endless rants and drivels, it's all worth it.
Remember that JIDF speds millions of dollars every year in trying to silence us, and they can't, so we must be doig something right.

Remember, the first rule of fight club is that the NFL had no idea about the dangers of concussions

>Romanian flag
Nigger, I bet my grandfather gassed your subhuman slavic shitskinned grandfather

Thats what I mean. Everything here is bullshit. Its fun sometimes but its basically just mental masturbation talking about how the far right gets into power and how we create a perfect white society etc.

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It's bullshit, but it's like playing football with your friends, do you enjoy kicking a sack of leather around? No, it's because your friends use it as an outlet, Any Forums is that bootleg friend simulator for many, politics being the theme that is barely thought of but omnipresent, it is the sun under which all the shit that we talk about here takes place

Containment, you know? It's not supposed to make our lives better but lives of people who get a welcome reprieve of our presence while we are shitposting here.

ask it to the NSA

Shut the fuck up germanian South nigga, you had a chance before but know you suck big black Jewish cock

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>We're literally just wasting time and doing nothing productive that creates meaningful change
Not true. Information has a definite effect on the narrative. It spills out from places like this into the meanstream little by little. Dropping verifiable redpills certainly has shaped public opinion it seems. More and more people are talking about jews and how much the hate trannys openly now, something you didn't see just a couple of years ago.

I just want everyone to kill politicians, that's all I'm asking for and I feel like it's reasonable

Any Forums could've crowdfunded its own country to become based, it'd take 6 months, it'd solve our problems, eliminate ourselves as a problem to the rest of the world, etc. I'm just waiting for it to kick off then we can all have wifi and get high in kekistan.

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Nothing there is no future for germanic subhumans, you already lost and your suffering is entertainment for Slavic master race.

>What are we even achieving by talking about politics here every day? We're literally just wasting time and doing nothing productive that creates meaningful change
if that's all you are doing yes.
And none of you know a thing about politics just trolls and retards. Actual people that come and go here are doing meaningful shit in other places or in real life, or at the very least know that it's useless to talk to retarded liars like morons like you here.
You could have taken political science graduate like 2 times for the amount of time you retards have spent here.
People here are retarded on purpose and unintentional.
Politics for you retards is fake as nazis and tak of niggers and jews.
The biggest online crime is that you get associated with particular views and polices since you know fucking nothing about anything.
Such as how they say posters here are 'neo nazis' and 'right wingers' which is a total fraud and fabrication. And Any Forums was always a nigger loving pedo ridden progressive shithole full of faggots that want to legalize sex with children.

>Nothing there is no future for germanic subhumans, you already lost and your suffering is entertainment for Slavic master race.
there is no master race you fucking demented retarded faggot. And the real lessons is that humans deserve total authoritarian control on every level not with dictators but with so strict rules that politicians, businesses or average person can barely harm eachother in any way without facing severe repercussions.

Also you are all frustrating stupid monkeys and the earth need to be delegated with new supernations and all existing nations either abolished or expanded. To make each territory even size and then put each group into it and share ressources.

It's so stupid to listen to people who are in essense, be they jew niggers or others, stupid retarded self serving monkeys worth of no self determination of free will whatsoever. There is no benefit from you or anyone else of you having free will or ability to do and say whatever you choose.

People who make horrible decisions over and over again that negatively impact other people including themselves should ofcourse not be allowed to make their own decisions.

This entire planet is full of roach humans who need to be tidied up and compartmentalized in the little box areas where they belong and have no rights of movement, of who they have sex with, of how many children they have or anything else the moment they are in violation of messing with another type of human and all these things.

See humanity for what it is, a species that is lower than chimps and monkeys and pigs (including jews and arabs and whoever else). And who simply sit and provoke non stop and shit in their pants.. And need their filthy mouth silenced.

Humans are not a superior species, humans are a trash species that should not be allowed to make its own decisions, no matter which human subtype you are dealing with, and especially not be allowed to choose how they interact with other types.

Jews are the only ones on planet who try to make a cope religion about them being better than others. Not the germans. The germans never said such things only nazis says such things and nazis are not germans nazis was a political movement that hijack germany for only 15 years out of germans peoples long existence.

You are frustrating liars and conmen and everytime you lie you need to be penalized for it, everytime you act manipulative or do anything deceptive you instantly punished for it and so on. Let all freedom on this pathetic planet be snuffed out, and this ironically gives humans a total peaceful world where everyone get along because they have no choice not to.

Freedom this bastardized notion is simply screaming of anything goes. The true freedom of every man, and every racial group, is freedom from being messed with by other people or other groups! THAT IS THE ONLY TRUE FREDOM WORTH STRIVING FOR..
Freedom to not listen to your garbage lies, freedom to not put up with your endless drivel and nonsense. THAT IS TRUE FREEDOM, silencing completely of any and all agitation, provocation, propaganda, lies and mischief.

You seem very upset at people just talking

I only use this site while at 'work'.

As for mass immigration after 7 years of lies, the problem is still same, it's racial warfare, no matter how you con artists try to populate this board and social media and scream about how it is about hatred of women, or it's about homosexuals or it's about literally anything else..
The truth is the same and you are filthy cockroach liars as usual.
Here's a documentary from 7 years ago. And all the lies and bullshit you concoct will not change that mass immigration is race warfare and invasion and takeover. it is being perpetrated by mostly the immigrants, with help of subversive jews and certain rich people and ofcourse with help by immigrants themselves who have been in those countries for longer.
And there's absolutely nothing to discuss about it.
You are frauds you are meaningless everything you say is nonsense.
A small child that think objectively is worth more than any drivel you said the last decade.

This is because all you do is try to deflect and misdirect away from dealing with any issue, politics is boring only because humans are the problem, humans are retarded animals that need to be silenced the more they behave as animals. There is nothing complicated about politics if you only let qualified people speak, and you treat harshly liars, manipulators propagandists and any kind of deceptive and insincere and bad faith arguers, in all directions of all groups without exceptions.

If you want to do something about politics, get involved in politics, talking about things online is fucking irellevant. And if you want to talk online then do so on very content controlled platforms. If you want to talk of mass immigration make sure you ban anyone who say mass immigration is a good idea. Which means go to normal websites or places where you control the fucking content, so that it stay on topic.

I'm just wasting time away until Jesus takes me home


>You seem very upset at people just talking
People are stupid roaches and in case of here and on social media it is very biased controlled for certain narratives, which it is not setup for. It's not like you sit on antimmigration.com or something like this if such website was there. No on reddit and facebook etc. they push however such things. ANd on Any Forums it's just lies misdirection trolling and nonsense, which they then purport to take literally in the US media to claim falsely nazi out to get niggers or whatever else.
The lying whore mouth of mankind is what need to be silenced. There is nothing worth that comes out of man mouth 90% of it can be done away with and should.
Just talking is the dumbest concept aside from 'free speech' ever invented. It's simply excuse to get away with things you shouldn't, same as corporate freedom and media freedom. None of these are freedom they are anti freedom. Because you are not protected from their maliscious lies and propaganda and behaviour. You need censorship to have such protection. Freedom means THEY ARE FREE TO DO TO YOU AS THEY PLEASE, that is what 'freedom' really means in this context. Your freedom they care nothing about. Because your freedom relies in you being protected from their bullshit and the bullshit of other people!