Vegan Mom Found Guilty Of Killing Child With Veganism

When will environmentalists be held accountable for driving two generations fucking insane?

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Yeah god knows carnist parents have never been found guilty of abusing or malnourishing or murdering their kids, huh?

>The three children were fed a diet that consisted mostly of mangoes, bananas, avocados and rambutans.

This bitch severely malnourished her kids because she was a retarded vegan

Just as we've always said would happen. Give Roastie the chair.

Lots of carnist parents have also severely malnourished their kids, too. So what is your point?

The point is you are an obscenely retarded faggot.

Sounds like you just feel cornered and are lashing out because it makes you feel fearful to see your logical fallacies exposed and challenged. And you weren't expecting it because you're used to this site being an echo chamber. But I'm not your enemy. I'm not out to hurt you people on this site. I just wish you'd learn to think. Learn to use your brains. Learn to be sane. Unfortunately, I don't think that's something that can be taught

Have they?
Did a child ever die from eating too much heart?

You are, in fact, the enemy. And gay and Jewish

The sad part of this is, the mother thought she was doing the right thing, even going to the lengths of finding exotic fruits and vegetables for her child. RIP. And may god forgive her for her innocence, and us all.

Shut up faggot, this is about retard vegans doing retarded vegan things. Don't try to shift the conversation towards normal people.

Veganism is a fucking starvation cult you all you morons are slowly giving yourselves brain damage.


They weren’t malnourished *because* they were carnists. A vegan diet is unsuitable for young children. Stop using equivocation and pretending you’re smart.

Vegan diet is perfectly fine for anyone, including children. And you can be malnourished on any diet, including and probably even most often a carnist diet

>Vegan diet is perfectly fine for anyone, including children. And you can be malnourished on any diet, including and probably even most often a carnist diet
So I mean you know, they weren't malnourished *because* they were on a vegan diet. To directly address your supposed point

What's the fuck is a "Carnist" and what do they have to do with the current conversation?

Post body faggot

Its what asshurt vegans call normal people because there is no real insult against them. Like how faggots call heterosexuals breeders. It's cope and seethe.

You clearly cant read

Why didn't she just breastfeed him?

My kids are all 99th percentile. I don't understand these parents raising twig kids in this day and age.

She did but breastmilk alone can't sustain a babby after awhile. Plus she herself is vegan so her breastmilk is probably fucked up.

22 what? What the fuck are you even ranting about, you moron?

kys faggot

>Yeah god knows carnist parents have never been found guilty of abusing or malnourishing or murdering their kids, huh?
Carnist parents? Fuck, go back to plebbit. But let's lets make a real comparison and take it to the opposite extreme, let's compare carnivore diet parents. 100% meat diet parents. Do babies die in pregnancy when mom only 100% only eats meat? No. Do kids growing up die from 100% meat diets? Nope, doesn't happen. Plenty of modern day people and examples of thousands of years with whole tribes living on 100% carnivore diet and no kids sick from it. Now what happens to those tribal people when you introduce sugar, fruits year round and wheat, that's when you start seeing sick kids and teeth falling out. I don't advocate a carnivore diet, I brought it up because you're too inexperienced in the world to know that there is a literal opposite diet to vegans. I think it'd be boring, but it's a thing. Personally enjoy a bit of variety. But for humans even vitamin C usage in the body, it's molecular role get's taken over by ketones. Humans on a meat diet literally can't get scurvy. I would be stupid not to admit that humans are very good if not optimized for eating meat. And staying true to being the opposite of vegans, carnivores tend to be healthy, age slowly and long lived. Vegans age like already sour milk.

Why did you waste both of our times writing this retarded bullshit?

>Khang Chen
Quintessentially AMWF

Hey, don't I know you asshole?

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There is not a single ancestral society that thrived on veganism
>inb4 Okinawa diet
The japs forcefully took all of their pork and forced them on a starvation diet. Okis that brought pork back from Hawaii were seen as heroes. Sorry faggot

Must of died from b12 deficiency, that shit is nothing to play around with either.

See? A prime example of veganism causing brain damage? Who the fuck calls normal people carnists?

Not sure why I should care about the diets of "ancestral societies" as we're not presently living in those primitive times