Redditors losing everything again

with the voyager bankruptcy salt thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

wtf is Voyager, is it another crypto scam?

>is it another crypto scam?

Coinbase is the only exchange thats transparent about issues
All others will save themselves first

Dumb ass niggers putting their cryptos on exchanges so jews can gamble with it promising 5% interest. What is the point of risking all your funds for a paltry 5% in interest? (In a DOWN MARKET so your interest you are earning isn't even counteracting the drawdown in the value of your shitcoins).

Normal faggots are the worst, if you want a laugh just go on the Celsius reddit. Niggers get what they deserve.

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>promising 5% interest
I get a better rate with my cashback credit cards

voyager digital is a brokerage, likely will be bailed out by another like FTX. i think they should all go under. BTC to sub 3k


Negro you had better be trollin'.

Probably, anything crypto is a scam, the ponzi scheme is at the end point, until this point anyone could have profited from the scam assuming they had idiots to pass their bags on to, but at the end of the scam the loser is the one holding the bags thinking they are have an investment. It's the same model as the stock markets which are just legitmate ponzi schemes that at least sometimes have a functional company and production that can at least pay a dividend assuming some hedgefund doesn't fuck it up and liquidate the company and outsource it.

>dont take time to learn the risks
>lose money on risky investment
>this should be illegal
every time, like pottery

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Jesus christ, I knew reddit was dumb but this is just too funny.

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>imagine chasing poverty-tier yields after the anchor collapse

Normies gets what they deserve

Why is coinbase the safest of all of them?

>bitcoin cratering
>exchanges blowing up left and right
>"durrr 10% APY gotta get that yield"

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People who are stupid enough to fall for these nigerian prince-tier coin scams deserve what they get. What a bunch of fools. Imagine giving someone money for completely useless lines of code.

But I was a Millionaire I swear.

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a millionaire is not even that impressive anymore when code monkeys are making $400k a year

Good, no sympathy for the get-rich-quick crypto goons.

I will give Alex Machinsy credit for his Madoff-tier scam though. The only person who saw through it was autistic savant and turbojew Peter Schiff. And nobody listens to him because he doesn't feed into their delusions.

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Sorry loser this is good for Bitcoin.

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They’re a shitty exchange but they definitely deserve credit for avoiding shady obvious pyramid schemes giga shitcoins.

Centralized crypto investors BTFO.

The sooner tall this crap AND Tether unwind the better. It'll hammer the price of BTC down to the mid thousands, but fuck these scammers.
Bitcoin was never meant to be a "get rich quick" scheme. Some people lucked out, and then the scammers piled on, who made bank, then the normies wanted a piece and... well see for yourself.

Bitcoin is an exchange medium. How about go and earn some money the old fashioned way be providing something of value and storing that in Bitcoin.
Hopefully the price falls to $1000 and stays there forever.

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Lel, I like the fdic bit

Nothing of any importance.