The transgender movement took everything from me. I'll never fully be a woman again

I'm an twenty year old lesbian. I was socially transitioned since twelve. I was groomed into something I'm not just because I wasn't traditionally feminine.
They cut off my breasts at sixteen. My body is forever broken. I just can't stand the fact that my breasts just aren't there any more and that they never will be. I look deformed, no normal woman will be attracted to me.
My womb is gone too. I'm practically castrated. The very thing that makes me female isn't there anymore. I'm not a girl, I'm just desexed. I'll never hold my own child in my hands, I don't even know if I wanted kids of my own but I guess I'm just neutered now.
I hadn't been on hormones for long but I can still feel the effects on my body. My genitals are distorted, and my skin isn't the same texture as it used to be.
I'll never look like a girl again. I'm just permanently broken. I don't even know how to act like a girl because they had this done to me so long ago. I can't even talk about it on my normal social media because of the backlash.
I hate society for encouraging our children into doing this. It's destroying our youth and everyone is cheering on. We need to return to sanity.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pics of your butchered chest with timestamp or gtfo.

At least you realized your mistake. I'm sorry they conned you into getting the surgery, it's barbaric


Into the trash it goes

yeah obvious larp until tranny tits with timestamp/id

Most of my friends still think they're genders they aren't. You're right that I'm lucky, T didn't do as much as it could have.

Homosexuality is just as disgusting as transgenderism and you are an abomination. Your scarred and deformed body is a reflection of your soul and inner state, a vile and unnatural monstrosity.

Not my problem

Now it's time to thank your local chud for his service and let all the nazis here know how much you appreciate what we're trying to do

You should consider legal charges against the surgeon who cut your berasts off.

Make some money going on lecture circuit.

fpbp, there are rules here cunt

take your multiple IPs and go, obvious samefag.

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Now you can date creepy AGP males like I do.

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If you are a lesbian you should know where you belong.
And that is with the left.
You think the far right will accept you.
Stop dreaming they hate gays and brown people. And intelligent white people who attend universities.
They might just use you as a trojan horse then if they obtain power they will kill you like the rest.
You need to return to sanity and join the left because we will accept you.

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LARPer. No trans people feel this hard. Regret is only put onto you by the infulce of the alt right.
Trans people know their right, they get doubt by disgusting people. People doubt them and then you doubt yourself. You are what you are.

Who does it help to say thar? People can be perfectly happy in gay relationships, it hurts nobody. Transgenderism hurts actual people.

Someone you know will be transitioned unless you fight to stop it now.

>biological sex is immutable
>multiple species in nature than can change sex, of which humans is not one
please adjust your meme image accordingly

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No refunds, not sorry

There's more to the world then just the far left and the far right.

>I don't even know how to act like a girl

Uh... ditch your tranny friends who are playing mindgames with you and then just be yourself?

Who cares?
If you were dumb enough to be groomed by Jewish Pedophiles on discord...
You Deserve to be Sterile

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>touch a sixteen year old's boobs
Long time in prison
>use a knife on a sixteen year old
Long time in prison
>take $10000 and touch a sixteen year old's boobs with a knife

There's discords for females against the trans cult. Sorry for what you went through - you are not alone. Add me. Hannah [Z]#7961

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post tit-
>They cut off my breasts at sixteen.
it's so sad what they're doing to people all for money. you have to get in contact with people who can help you speak out and spread your story.

Very sorry to hear your story. Keep speaking out please.

"Real" women refers to CIS gender women. NOT ALL WOMEN ARE CIS

Unfortunately that isn't true, either. Homosexuality is unnatural. Romans 1:26-31.
These same people who lied to you about cutting your breasts off are lying to you about homosexuality.
I wish I could be more gentle about this but you won't get kid gloves here

Why do you have a problem with Jews?

>I'll never hold my own child in my hands,

Maybe parts of this story are true, but no modern surgeon would perform a hysterectomy without 1st getting eggs/embryos to store from the patient.

What a complete BS thread.

Yeah. Some are FTM

who do you think invented "transitioning"?

You lurk more before posting here, user

Why should I care about the Bible's views on this matter? I don't like your God, and no Christians follow those chapters anyway.

Sorry. This was the sole place I could go to.

while I can't speak for females they'll do it to males without asking about sperm

I empathized with your story but then you say shit like this
get fucked retard your mom should have done a better job giving you brain damage

So I would say "tits or gtfo" but since you lobbed your own tits of , so uhm gtfo
and since you a are a "lesbian" whatever happens to you, you deserve it
>Hannah [Z]#7961
everyone knows you are a dude, retard loser

You'll be shocked to see what they'll do to you when you say you're a boy.

If it was real. Radical mastectomies are only done on teenagers in the case of invasive cancer. If a doctor performed one on a teenager even with "permission" they'd lose their license.

This post is a larp. I know several women who've had hysterectomies before 35 and doctors will LITERALLY ONLY PERFORM IT in the case of malignancy or several other crippling conditions like very bad PCOS. The only believable part of this entire larp is the hormones which you can practically get OTC.

also you know the rules
oh wait

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Look up the millions of teenagers who have gotten these operations.

nigga my friend had a jewish dentist that pulled out all his moms teeth without her consent by faking her signature on a consent form
shut the fuck up

Faggotry harms many many people, but to hell with them because they are all faggots themselves now after all...

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You should probably reconsider, user. God is the only one who can help you now. You need to find people who can give you a sense of wholeness. Where can you go now for that? You've been victimized by the same people who have loudly proclaimed love, acceptance, and moral purity. They were lying to you. They lied to you about transexuality, they lied about homosexuality, they lied about God. You are not going to make it without faith.

Who is that?


You did this to yourself, stop blaming everyone else. You were gullible, be it out of depression or desperation, you desexed yourself. Dumb fuck.

Pics of butchered chest with timestamp or you're larping. I know I'm correct and you're an IDF shill.

have you considered you were also manipulated to reject other biologic imperatives?

Not to distress you any further, but lesbian or infertile trans doesn't make so much difference to me - genetic deadends by election, not consequence - I'm proposing you are intended for something much more than hedonism.

It's not about personal pleasure/happiness. If you (people) are NOT meant for any purpose in a greater more transcendent sense, then your bloviating over how much was taken from you by trans advocates is pissing into the wind. For what purpose did you have what was taken away from you? None? Oh. I thought you had lost something of value.

I'm not speculating here. You ARE intended for a purpose, like it or not, and rejecting that purpose as a matter of course 'hurts actual people". Namely you. My condolences globohomo is working you over so good however. Emphatic language here is just for emphasis, not deride. You're welcome to take baby steps on the issue - even if you were to grant my position, if I'm arguing you're damaged, expecting you to do the heavy lifting doesn't follow. So legitimately, you have my sympathies.

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So you claim to be that person and you're posting on Any Forumscel? Right. It sounds like some shitty story I read on the NY Post a week ago or something.

Show tits or gtfo if you think you're a real woman, but you're basically some bullshit guy who's bad at making shit up.

Who do you think pioneered the modern concept of a third gender?

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Nice story except it isn't real. Even if it was your 1/1,000,000,000,000 probability case has no bearing on reality.

Why do problems in the community limit my rights? I'm not any of these things.

You will never be a woman.

That's why I'm being so direct with you, user. You have to purge the lies you've been told. They lied about us, too, and I think you're seeing that now.
By the way, you're here forever. Seek the mercy of God, who loves you and can still do great things with your life. Read Isaiah 54 for some hope. God sent his apostle to help the Ethiopian Eunuch, he can send someone to help you.

Giving a shit about other people's children is sus.

Mind your own damn business, the future isn't our problem anymore.

the reality is shit gets slipped under the table all the time while you like to pretend there are actions for heinous consequences in this life

If God tries to violate my rights it will be the right if the American people to strike him down from heaven.

If they do, they're incompetent. I take MTF hormones and the 1st thing my endocrinologist asked was if I still wanted to have children.

Now post this again but in the proper board >>Any Forums

Name a civilisation that didn't embrace faggotry during it's collapse and name a civilisation that didn't have strict rules governing marriage during it's ascent

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you know maybe that guy im shit talking is right and you are a bot
you hate God but you capitalize the G