What's the optimal ratio for the white ethnostate? Anything over 100:1 leads to jewery and degeneration

What's the optimal ratio for the white ethnostate? Anything over 100:1 leads to jewery and degeneration

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Oh boy, it's almost as if the 50s were better for some reason...

>angry yet?
no nigger kys

I own a small business and I only earn $130,000 after taxes. A 1000:1 pay ratio is beyond absurd.

The optimal ratio is whatever the free market decides.

and thats democrats fault

Oy vey

Am I the CEO?
Am I not the CEO?

Black people still earn less than white people on Average. You would think they would impose this guilt trip more fervently inside of black message forums.

In the 1950s, the world population was 2.5 billion. Now, It’s around 8 billion. So while companies have increased in size in terms of the number of employees, market share etc, the position of CEO is only ever one person who is responsible for far more than he or she was 72 years ago. CEOs are also generally paid in accordance with the performance of the company and its stock price, which is how most managerial positions are rewarded - in stock options.

I’ve got zero problem with it. Life isn’t meant to be fair.


90% white and 2 child max policy for non whites

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Niggers only use the internet to WE WUZ KANGS post on Facebook and look at anime tiddies.

Now post inflation rates, immigration, and lack of protectionism to prevent outsourcing.

I think you mean "can get away with".

Probably around 20 to 1 but with huge bonuses. Companies should be cooperatives in that state, as in, the employees are all the statekholders. All profits would be: reinvested for the company's future or innocation, saved for a rainy day because there will be no government bailouts and given to the workers with a CEO receiving a huge bonus instead of shareholders.

I think half the issue now is CEOs taking home huge pay even when the company is doing badly which doesn't actually reward decent business or companies with huge profits saying they can't update wages. CEOs should absolutely have their pay attached to how well the company is doing.

Inflation is really bad right now and companies say increasing wages will make it worse even when they have huge pay rises for CEOs or shareholder pay outs. People say workers don't work hard anymore, but surely they would if they had a stake in the business. I don't like the idea of just increasing wages because currently that would just mean them upping their prices.

I feel like this issue is massively connected to how profits work these days and how they are used. Companies can make shit loads of money but still go under and demand governmental bail out. Comapnies should massively stand on their own feet.

Where is this free market?


These wannabe soviets cry about pay gaps but watch what happens when you start naming ceos other than Musk or Besos.

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Well gee let's see. If you're the CEO of a company that makes 13.8 billion a year you might deserve your 13.8 million dollar salary I don't know.

Perhaps the pay for CEOs and executives should be capped to a multiplier of the average pay of everyone below them, or something like that.

They're getting paid market value and besides if they make record profits you might get some ice cold pizza and a warm soda for all your hard work.

>Businesses become more condensed, with a relative handful of massive businesses instead of several smaller ones
>Hurr why's the CEO wage going up faster?

Der Bootlicker

>CEOs are also generally paid in accordance with the performance of the company and its stock price, which is how most managerial positions are rewarded - in stock options.
That's why all good brands goes to shit, value engineering everything for quarterly profits until everything is shit.

They'd just create income in some other way that isn't counted as income

You dont deserve the dubis, retard.

By the way, thanks for your factories

Made up ratios to rile up smooth brained retards

mean more to board members and shareholders.
sorry fags.
if you dont like it you should just shut down wall street.