Are you happy now?

Why are conservatives such horrible people. Only a conservative would put a 10 year old child through this torture.

Attached: abortion.jpg (905x690, 213.28K)

kill her, her kid, and the rapist

kill the government, the members and its followers

>I was raped by my family
>but the worst part is
>I had to drive for a few hours

I dont fucking get it. all you have to do is drive and you can still fucking get one. WHATS THE BIG DEAL. Sorry you cant go to a fucking cornerstore to get them done

Giving birth at 10 represents a significant risk to the health of the mother, that's legal abortion in most states that ban it.

Check'd and kek'd.

The point is, why would anyone not allow for an exception for a child that was raped?

Cry moar, bitch

Obviously fallacious. Any doctor would immediately treat a 10 year old child

Perhaps to prevent false rape accusations from going through the roof?

>killing her baby won't add more trauma
Retard. You don't care about her.

Because if the other states take up the same laws, there will be nowhere left to drive to. It's not like you should be able to get it done at wal mart, but the local hospital should be able to help a kid.

If it saves one life

Cuz they're the Christ is Kang every sperm is sacred faggots.
I'm pro life but when you defend it from a religious point of view you get crazy shit like this

>The torture
Of travel.
Okay groomer. You still can’t fuck kiddies though, sick nonce. In fact you sign a register that says you must stay 700 feet from them at all times i suspect.

>Pregnant 10 year old
>False rape accusation
I'm sure she enjoyed it

you're a retard

Because women are like children in that they don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions. they couldn't give less of a shit about the 10 year old. They aren't thinking about children or rape victims when they are shrieking in the streets, they are thinking about being able to let as many strangers cum inside of them as possible.


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I'm sure she enjoyed the free candy at least
>and the deal with Nickelodeon

They already are through the roof though

I propose a trade: you get a 4 hour drive. I get, hundreds of babies saved.

>on $5 a gallon gas

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it's all worth it to trigger the libs XD

>abortion states will take revenue from non abortion states
>people will move states based on this issue
>state populations will represent their own values more
>states will sink or swim based on if the issue is better or worse to ban
Why can't people just let this play out?