It's going down tonight!

Chimpouts are back on the menu boys!!

From the looks of things on social media, this is gonna be 10x bigger than George Floyd.
Can you taste that accelerationism /pol, that sweet, sweet accelerationism?

Let's get this show on the road!

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>From the looks of things on social media, this is gonna be 10x bigger than George Floyd.
The media might just be trying to agitate that to distract from the failings of the establishment, using police as scapegoats in the fake "police brutality" narrative revived.

Shot fleeing black man 60 times, did they put 5 mags worth of bullets in this nigga kek

Won't be as bad. Dems are in power and it is a troubled election year for them. They don't want any problems.

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I haven’t even seen anything about it on the news. When will the Globohomo press start to broadcast this?

Lol they wanted the abortion people to get a little rowdy and try to influence the midterms. This however is gonna be a slam dunk for repubs if we get a real summer of love again.

It's not election season yet, calm your tits.

I pray to God to send his nig nogs to burn America down

>no one is talking about this
>localized incident as it should be
kys OP

cool OP keep me updated bro

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>random person getting shot committing a crime
>not the most American thing to celebrate
You can get out.

I'm pretty sure they burnt themselves rioting for Joe Biden a few years ago.

who cares about a lead filled drugged negro corpse?
zombies do

George Floyd happened earlier in the election year than this, read something for once in your life you euroeducated fool


>60 times
Is that enough times? Did they make sure it is enough to kill him?

There won't be riots because Biden is president. If you think that nigger riots occur naturally, without anyone organizing them, then you are a naive moron

I live close to akron. Local cleveland news has been covering it a lot. Demonstrations thus far have been pretty small but let's see. Rolling for chaos!

they do though, just watch

Yeah you think this is funny? Innocent white people are going to get hurt.

>Dems control everything
>Its going down!!!
Lol nah

They wont do shit. They blew their load during the St. Floyd chimp outs. They're done.
>Triple vaxxed and sickly
>No orange man to screech about
A very sad state of affairs. Thots and prayers.

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Not happening

Don’t underestimate how much they’d love to remind you they exist on 4th of July. Perfect time to screech and scream “LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME EVERYONE IM A NIGGER” while everyone just wants to relax and barbecue.

That nigger took it like a drugged out gorilla champ. It was unironically impressive.

Yeah sure, hope they have fun taking selfies in their little hoddie ninja outfits cause that's as far as it's gonna go.
Maybe if we're lucky they'll try to block traffic and get splattered. Again lol.

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Where is the video? Why isn't it being slammed into my face 24/7

Why would they cancel their festival and not carry on with it in celebration of the officers actions?

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I'm fairly close to Akron, no protests, no nothing other than a few niggers and white people around a building on twitter. Niggers getting shot in Akron is an everyday occurance.

Dead criminals was so 2020 user, get with the times

>took it like a drugged out gorilla champ. It was unironically impressive

New Jersey, Atlantic City shooting from 8 years ago.

Even managed to hold a gang sign / flash the peace symbol for quite a while as he is down and gaining more mass thanks to lead deposits.

You rang?
#F--kthefourth, #F**kthefourth
Liberals planning on attacking families bbq'ing in parks in Fourth of July.
Starts in Reid Park Tucson.

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It worked for the last election, why wouldn't the (((media))) do it again?