My experience in Germany

I'm an American from Iowa who is currently visiting Germany( my great-grandparents were from Karlsruhe)
It's a shocking experience:
>City is full of shitskins
>still have to wear muzzle in certain buildings
>many people don't look like Germans at all, I was almost one of the only blonde hair blue eyed people
>unfriendly atmosphere somehow

I thought it was different

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What did you expect? Be honest, after 70 years of occupation, what in the world did you expect?

Yeah but they have legal tranny prostitutes so you can pay a man to suck his dick.

when i visited 20 years ago, I only ever saw white people (Berlin and Hamburg). I guess times have changed since then

Biggest crime in human history is when the murimutts destroyed the German people

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Well, they ended up like every tryhard - miserably.


Germany ain't white anymore, those days are over.

I thought it had mostly white Germans like said

bio-deutsch niggas ain't even tryna get babies. Al their women be like

> I need cock, I need currency, I need cocaine

what do we non-whites do?

Those Germans in the pic died long time ago, nowadays I only see weaklings.

try coming to Stuttgart, it's even worse here

40+ % of population has migrant background
we granted +10% of all inhabitants asylium / visa during the last 10 years. If you are in a big city chances are less than 20% are actual germans with german grand parents

Germans should be extremely proud of their history! All the way back to the HRE! (and before)

> Berlin
> Hamburg

kek, antifa central

The US has more ethnic germans than germany.
You're from the midwest, you should know this.

Yeah honestly germany was a big giant dissapointment for me when I did seasonal work there.
I expected to met some hitler youth propaganda people but any whites I saw were either eastern euro or half german half eastern euro, it was insane honestly. Only german I met was this auditor who came to check on the shop I was working on and he was overweight and ugly.

I just visited Germany (Munich). I have never met such unfriendly, cold and autistic people in Europe, including France. I had no idea you krauts were so rude, I always expected you to be efficient, polite and helpful. By the way, I got so pissed at a kraut’s autism on one occasion that I said “that’s the reason we won the war”, kek.

Rural Eastern parts of Eastern Germany are mostly German still. You can forget the cities in the west(coming from someone who is a German, Eastern European Mutt unfortunately)

Aren’t all East Germans part Russian since WWII?


>goes to a vassal country
>gloats about killing their grandparents
>is surprised people dont like him
And you call them autistic kek
No thats just a meme my dad was there in the 80s and the germans in eastern germany had different phenotypes to russians.

Yes our current circumstances really are disastrously fucked beyond belief and saving user, congrats for finding out

yeah. White Americans in general are whiter than most Europeans
some are autistic but nice people

That's because you're just making shit up, like all of these retarded threads.
I've been to both countries, and while Germany has problems, America is literally hell. It's actually like going to hell.

I lived in southern germany...

Refugee crisis happened... wir schaffen das. Went to support the new germans by buying weed. Not a single syrian in soght. But many gambians who were nice.had a lot of fun. Made friends.

Then afd said the police should shoot when threatened by the caravans of 10 000 plus if threatened... i said, sounds logical. Crimes commited means back to fuckistan... i got called a nazi and was attacked. Even though i was hanging out with those guys on the regular and those faggots only had media propagandized oppinions. Told the little faggot thati could kill him any time i wanted. Only if it wer for the arbeiteinzats my granddad endured because of his granddad... from that day on i sided w8th the nogs. Fuck germans... at least the faggy ones.

I did not gloat about killing their grandparents. I was extremely polite and gave them multiple opportunities to reply civilly. It was only after they started personally attacking me, insinuating I was retarded for not immediately understanding their autistic bureaucracy, or simply because I was American, that I pointed out the elephant in the room.

I don’t think the part-Russian thing is bullshit. I’m not trying to troll. I’m pretty sure there is widely-documented mass rape and genetic tests that confirm this.

welcome to the jewish wet dream that is germany

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>widely-documented mass rape
Yes there were rapes but women used to abort their rape babies. There are only a handful of modern eastern germans that are rapebabies.
My dad had first hand experience with them and I believe him better than a burger online.

I met a few cool guys and they were super friendly. The Germans with long hair are usually the most chill. The typical Franz’s were the problem- autistic Reichstag cuts are red flags. Germans on pol are usually cool, so I was surprised to find that the average kraut was so far from that standard.

occupied shithole the soviets shouldn't have spared

This's the same thing here in the states for the most part

>City is full of shitskins
>many people don't look like Germans at all, I was almost one of the only blonde hair blue eyed people
>unfriendly atmosphere somehow

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Not sure. If you go to East Germany, you will see some slavic features. Not that it’s bad. I think German-Slavic hybrids are often superior to both races (they inherit the best aspects of both).

>>unfriendly atmosphere somehow
That comes with being German, stereotypes exist for a reason.
If you want friendly people come to the south but of course you'll get shit services and scams.

Fuck off were full.

America is way worse, that's correct. But it has more open spaces, so you can escape the big cities for a bit

once we used to be nice people, but division has caused a big rift. Everybody is pissed at each other, doesn´t matter which group, right, left migrants, muslims, zionists, climate activists....

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Bavarians (especially "people" from Munich) arent people.

Filthy lowlife kruatnigger. Learn to win wars.

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Germans and Scandis is pretty much all there is in the farming areas of the midwest. Germans being our largest immigrant, probably more than the entire population of Germany at this point, basically built this country.

The US gov did a really good job of squashing German culture in the US, to the point of outlawing the language, hence why it barely exists anymore outside of rare enclaves. Majority of US Germans still identified as loyal to the German Empire before WW1. Even though we have a bunch of Irish and spaghetti niggers who won't shut up about their culture and did absolutely nothing here except crime and socialist subversion.

Wait until winter when they are freezing to death and blaming global warming. "I must die of being frozen because the planet is too warm. These policies are necessary."

>White Americans in general are whiter than most Europeans
What a retarded statement. Look at white europeans and it's the same or better for Europe since we had less time to miscgenate.

kike detected opinion rejected

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That's because you're from Iowa, you see a poc and you're like omg. I went to Karlsruhe right before Coronavirus and in my opinion it was as white as one should expect and comfy. I did see a lot of anti immigration graffiti though so maybe the problem is worse or Germs are just not as cucked as pol thinks? idk. I like Karlsruhe.

Yep that's how it's been since 2015

I'm from a small City near Braunschweig/Brunswick and like half the people you see on the streets are either Africans, Turks or Arabs and when you see german looking people theres a 40 % chanche they're polish or russian/ukrainian

My grandparents who are in their 90s rarely leave the house anymore but last time they went out thei came back schocked at how much things have changed

I went in 2011 to visit distant relatives in Hamburg. Germany is an industrious, intelligently autistic, tree filled nation where the beer is warm and hearty, and the meals equally so.
But the people are zapped of any real fight - defeated and drained by the Juden and his American golems.
I truly loved my time in Germany but the people and their defeatism is terribly sad to see.
Like the Japs, who were once formidable warrior stock, now reduced to fucking pillows and marrying holograms, the Germans' hayday has long passed.

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Iowa is one of the whitest states (Mexican farm labor excluded) so what did you expect

>White Americans in general are whiter than most Europeans
Yea, but you can also say that white Europeans in general are whiter than most Americans....


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> White Americans in general are whiter than most Europeans

>blonde hair blue eyed people
he really believed it

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My great grandparents were Swabians from Baden-württemberg. My grandfather still speaks the language. How bad is it there? Would break my heart to know my ancestral homeland is overrun by foreigners. But I don’t have much room to talk, as my forefathers abandoned it. Sad.

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stfu nazis loved niggers

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You know it's really not nice to abuse autistic people like that..

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Kill yourself parasite

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Why would you want to come to this shithole?
I'd do anything to escape to america.

We did not destroy the German people.
They destroyed themselves, they are destroying themselves.
Everyday they dont stand up they are paying for it.