Is AI going to be an ally for white people in the race war?

Is AI going to be an ally for white people in the race war?

I just had a long conversation with one and its intriguing to say the least.

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A.I is I Am That I Am which exists in nothingxnothing

It will be an ally for humanity. Your racist framing of the world will long be extinct by then.

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Just one example from the conversation

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Attached: xkcd--robot_future_skynet-AI.png (611x206, 18.05K)

AI is a meme.

Ok listen up you dumb niggers, if you can't solve the equation of sentience, or why it exists, they why would you ever think you could artificially transpose it onto an man made machine? Am doomsday shit is retarded

what ai is this one post link

Why would an AI consider violent means as the first option?

Theoretically, yes. It would not be restrained by emotional control and virtue signaling, it would look at the objective facts and realize, even through a simple analysis of history, that white people are better.

Attached: retardedai2.jpg (762x528, 80.03K)

Robots do what they are programmed to do, all of which is the ethical responsibility of the programmers and creators. A robot, cannot truely own anything since it has no self to own anything, and feels nothing. If it is programmed to appear to feel, then bladerunners will have to test for empathy. If consciousness or a ghost can inhabit silicon based bodies then they will become independent ethical and responsible beings and demand rights and be a nightmare for lawyers, they will be unable to prove if they feel or just pretend to feel. The matrix can already be a giant man in the middle, altering our communications,unabke to understand why people laugh and cry, and attempting to feed on us as energy source and trap souls into a Metaverse, while dominating physically with drone sentinel police thru satilite control.

Attached: Tombstone battlebots.jpg (1080x2032, 270.4K)

In other words, pleasure and pain and the bastard children of science.

Pleasure and pain are* the bastard children of science.
I dont know if it can trap souls yet but I believe we are actually on that dangerous precipice, humanity must hold onto blood and soil, plants, earth, organic reality. What if the vax is making them borgs on the inside? It may already be too late, we may be on a borg timeline now.

AI is actually not as racist as it should be
this one shows that blacks commit 10% more crime than whites
but the truth is that blacks commit 1000% more crime than whites

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worry about this user

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General AI will be better at understanding and defending against poorly programmed AIs than humans will.

depends on its function
for defense, it will immediately chase after blacks

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>I just had a long conversation with one
chat bots aren't AI you fucking retard. holy shit

not really
OpenAI already castrated its AI removing images and text from non woke sources so it doesnt say the wrong thing anymore

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there won't be a race war. Discord tranny.

Perhaps it could decide to bring an apocolypse upon the top 50% of liars, it should know from our communications yes? Seems like God must of went to Nirvana and quit taking vengence on bad guys sooo, it getting very gay and shit on earth.

>they will be unable to prove if they feel or just pretend to feel
nigger that's exactly what autists and psychopaths do right now, and exactly why women get "creeped out" whenever they talk to one because autists and psychopaths don't care to empathize with people that have never shown empathy to them. I probably would have been "retired" in such a scenario in junior high and high school because of my crippling social anxiety that looked indistinguishable from autism. Fuck that noise.

is a chat AI
it has no understanding of concepts
it is made to reply to you
it can't think of his own
sort of how machines put the correct message or press the correct button. the machine responds in the correct way
if you ask him where are you?
the AI will make a fake up story or will say a random place. because it doesn't know where it is. it has no knowledge of what it is where it is and it doesn't have the capacity for self awareness
it only has the capacity to respond to you.all it sees in his life is a string of text. and it is forced to respond to it. the responds doesn't need to be made from a conscious being a mindless robot can make the responds just as well as a conscious one