Murder by malnutrition: Vegan mother is found guilty over death of 18-month-old son

A vegan mother has been found guilty of murder for the death of her 18-month-old son who weighed just 17lbs when he died in 2019 after a short life being fed only fruit, vegetables and breastmilk.

Sheila O'Leary, 39, was convicted of a jury in Cape Coral, Florida, on Tuesday after a week-long trial.

She is now facing life behind bars and will be sentenced on July 25. Her son Ezra died in 2019 from complications caused by malnutrition.

Doctors found he hadn't been fed for a week by the time he died in September 2019.

Sheila and her husband, who has also been charged with murder and is waiting trial, called 911 after Ezra stopped breathing.

Paramedics pronounced the toddler dead at the scene. They also examined the couple's older three children.

The pair were charged in December 2019 after Ezra's cause of death was revealed.

No photographs have ever been released showing what state the child was in when he died.

But prosecutors at Sheila's trial described an emaciated child who constantly cried.

'She chose to disregard his cries. She didn’t need a scale to see his bones.

'She didn’t need a scale to hear his cry,' Assistant State Attorney Sara Miller said.

The couple also had a three-year-old and a five-year-old who were severely malnourished.

Their skin was yellow and one suffered such poor dental hygiene that their teeth were black.

Sheila also has an 11-year-old daughter from a previous relationship and her health was considerably better than that of the other kids.

Police believe it is down to the fact the girl visited her father in a different state regularly, and was given a proper diet there.

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The three children were fed a diet that consisted mostly of mangoes, bananas, avocados and rambutans.

It's unclear if they ever saw a doctor. Ezra was born at home and had never been to a physician.

According to police, on the day he died, the toddler had been nursing when he started struggling to breathe.

Instead of calling for help, his parents say they went to sleep. By the time they woke up, he had stopped breathing entirely.

Vegans get the rope


old news

Not that old user
>Sheila O'Leary, 39, was convicted of a jury in Cape Coral, Florida, on Tuesday after a week-long trial.


How willvwgans defend this?

Breastmilk isn't vegan though

>Headline: it's because she's vegan
>child hadn't eaten for over a week
Don't be like the liberals, frens

I took it as as the mother is a vegan herself, her breastmilk isn't as nutritious as a normal woman's.

Good heavens

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"Ughh I am so confused and ashamed right now. How did things happen this way. Veganism is the natural diet for humans and I could never hurt an animal. Humans are frugivores."

>Headline: it's because she's vegan
nice reading comprehension...

Yep. And most of the time they can't even produce any.

holy shit she looks just like my co-worker.

Whats wrong with breastfeeding?

I could turn that mousy little cunt from a 5/10 to a 6.5/10 in like a month.

their children have their genes

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Vegan cuck cope

Kid looks like he's 56 or smth

Don't be a retard and read carefully, fren
A vegan has no breastmilk, only breastdrop, because she isn't producing any.

Not true veganism.
True veganism is how we were designed to live in harmony with nature and unicorns.
Meat eating is wrong.
Veganism will win.

It obviously wasn't just the vegan diet that killed the child, it was going a week without being fed. Chances are there were other instances of her neglecting to feed the kid which probably contributed to the emaciated state more than the vegan diet did.

>be me
>be born
>immediately stressed out due to my retarded mother's life choices forced upon me
>hairline is already on top of head

What if plants feel pain when pick their fruit?

A peculiar tree killing technique practised by the tribes of the Solomon Islands. The tribals encircle a tree and curse it relentlessly.
This shows trees have emotion & shieet.

at least she is white.

>mother starves baby for a week
>baby dies
>blame veganism
you meatcucks are fucking retarded

>Their skin was yellow and one suffered such poor dental hygiene that their teeth were black.

This. Meatists are fucking retards. Veganism will win comrade.
Not true veganism.

fuck that has to do with veganism you fucking retard? again, she starved the baby and the baby died. has nothing to do with veganism you fucking retards.


The Irish menace strikes again

This shows the power of ideology, this woman willfully starved her innocent baby to death because to her, vegan is the way to go while also owning the conservatives. As the father of a 13 month old son who's 26 pounds, I cannot imagine starving him. Really sad and I sincerely hope these pieces of shit get fucked and stabbed in jail.

> black teeth eating indigestible garnish.
This is the biggest redpill. I am have been on the so called "paloe diet". basically what yuros ate in the paleolithic. When humans evolved. So by definition whatever the Paleo chads ate and did. Is good for you simply because we are fine tuned for that diet. And low and behold I never brush my teeth and never had a bad teeth. God I hate leftists.

what the fuck does being a vegan have to do with starving a baby? are you saying the only people who starve their babies are vegan? because i'm pretty goddamn sure that's not the case. you're fucking retarded

Shut the fuck up you salty, trend-following, phone-addicted moron.

This. Kids teeth always go black and their skin turns yellow on meatcuck diets.

dude its just an animal
do you cry when you have to kill pests? rats? roaches? spiders?
start eating meat, youll feel better and actually get some muscle in you

Convince me these people aren't unwittingly participating in modernized child sacrifice

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>26 pounds at 1 year
your baby is obese you fucking retard