
Why do you hate Indians Any Forums ?

State your top reasons

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1) nepotism
2) pollution
3) they haven't nuked china yet

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Indians are so diwhonesty, greedy and corrupt that they can't even run a modern country.

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>Making fun of India
How much does Xi cuckling pay you?

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they're jus absolutely disgustin to look at

like a rat paradise where they jus fuck and live in their own shit all day

for same reasons I hate cockroaches

1. feed
2. seed
3. sneed

Sounds based to me schoolshooter

They're not China. Every non-China country is shit.

I think they are the missing link between sub-saharan africans and modern day humans

This but unironically.

i ironically have no fucking idea where indians came from

whites came from the same area but i don't understand how people with white faces lived next to chinks and nigs, it's because of the mountains and oceans probably

I don't understand why you get dopamine out of posting the meme equivalent of random noise.

I'm thinking we are superior to whites

>I'm thinking we are superior to whites
Only in eating feces, Rajshit.

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>disrespect in western nation
>self-entitlement when they move to a rich city paid by mommy and daddy
>lack of discipline
>poor people mentality
>trying to fit in with white girls but get hated

>trying to fit in with white girls but get hated
Such is the price of not bathing (in clean water with soap instead of shit) and avoiding deodorant.

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a fucking nuclear war in that place would be a sanitary bomb

I have to throw out 90 percent of Indian resumes because you bobbleheads simply cannot tell the truth, even on shit I will verify and test you on. You waste my fucking time thinking maybe, just maybe this will be the company that buys your fucking bullshit. It never occurs to you to stop putting lies on your resume.

Lmao and did you guys invent planes??

Then why are you speaking a white language on a white computer network? Neither were made by you or for you.

I'm so fucking sick of seeing the same resume come through with only the poosheet name and a few other key words changed.
They kept getting past the recruiter, so I put together an interview response sheet that immediately disqualifies someone in the interview if there answer is close to verbatim.
Recently I put together a set of bingo cards to play while I interview them.

>their* answer is close to verbatim
Fuck me, I'm tired.