Globetard hate thread

What pisses you off about these subhumans the most? Personally, I hate the mosr that they call flat earth a jewish psyop and in the next sentence to propagate jewish NASA CGI-imagery as the ultimate truth WITHOUT realizing how fucking retarded that is. Globetards are PEAK midwirs.

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Other urls found in this thread:

A sphere is the flattest shape in the universe.

Everything we observe can be explained by the globe model. Zero contradictions with that model and what we observe. No one can show me a “this wouldn’t be possible on a glove but it is on a flat earth”

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>A curve not being visible on less than 2% on the earth's surface is proof that it must be flat

That's my wife's chest

>No one can show me a “this wouldn’t be possible on a glove but it is on a flat earth”
Here you go buddy

Attached: stop_coping.webm (700x394, 2.92M)

>They slide this because they realized their shilling made people question globe earth even more
Ahahaha kikes btfo themselves

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If the earth is flat then film yourself going to the edge

Globalist shills incoming.

Attached: E4E9D8FD-B496-49D5-927A-E5F3627D9A61.jpg (620x880, 132.4K)

The earth is round, you may now begin coping.

>make up numbers
>curvature BTFO

Who stands to gain from having the world believe the Earth is flat?

Earth is toroidal, we perceive it as flat.
Dinosaurs are not real.
Space is not real.
Nuclear bombs are not real.
The demon of abraham known as jehova is not the real God

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daily reminder only jews spam flat earth in places they cant censor where people talk about their crimes so their media can call anyone talking about their crimes flat earther

Attached: only jews spam flat earth.png (3807x2253, 1.3M)

kill yourself

you fucking retard

you fell for a complete bullshit

Attached: vorta.jfif.jpg (600x460, 19.17K)

>unattractive trannies is a conspiracy theory
only in germany

>Source: "my leftist professor told me"

based post but it's more than likely flat. Can you give more info on toroidal?

you people are so fucking embarassing with your flat earth ... I wonder who the original flat earth trolls were and exactly when it got out of hand

kys water mudding kike
>daily reminder only jews spam flat earth in places they cant censor where people talk about their crimes so their media can call anyone talking about their crimes flat earther

Attached: no flat earth here.jpg (474x711, 28.06K)

>source: some schizo/shill on youtube told me

>can clearly see the base of the buildings is obscured by horizon
>this proves the earth is flat

Attached: 1610903854887.jpg (565x425, 149.9K)

Fuck off!

Attached: Imperial_Orb_of_the_Holy_Roman_Empire.jpg (1200x1600, 356.12K)

The photographic lens used to make this telescopic recording is designed to mitigate the distortions caused by wide angles.. it's a piece of technology that flattens the imagery so that we can better perceive what is being photographed. This proves nothing and is presented in an intentionally flabbergasting way as to bewilder skepticism.

show math and source for the assumed values

Daily reminder that polish flag will appear within less than 30 minutes in your thread if it's about flat earth. What would a person gain from this unless he is a paid shill?

Copy paste his posts in 4plebs and verify it for yourself.

Attached: polack shill.png (1182x882, 176.73K)

Everyone. It reveals that NASA is lying about Earth, moon landing, and other "planets" that are "like earth". Everything NASA releases is a fucking lie.

Not to mention, it further pushes us to the Bible, to God and to Jesus.

NASA and the brotherhood want you to believe you are not created, not special and just a spec of dust in a vast of nothingness. That your life isn't special and nothing happens after we die.

They want to replace God with themselves as your salvation, your redeemer and your only way to live life on earth.

I dunno why you guys are complaining, believing the world is flat doesn't even make the top 10 retarded things Any Forums unironically believes.

You are cointelpro. By will or not you are part of a psyop. You are literally a tool for the system. Even if you are just trolling for yous.
Congrats. You played yourself.

The lens just bends the light around the curvature so you can see things that would be below the horizon. Duh.

I've got a couple of pics of Rainier like that. Comfy. You take it or just grab it?

Flat earth retards are amazing because they're as fervent on their flat earth belief as religious nuts are with their dogma

Pic related is a plane flying as we speak over Russia, it has passengers who are expecting to land at Vladivostok, and plane spotters can see it in the sky from the ground.

Can you explain to me why, with the current gas prices, it flies in a half circle towards Vladivostok (red arrow on pic rel) instead of flying straight like it should on a flat earth?

Attached: Screenshot_20220701-175657__01__01.jpg (1080x1525, 454.19K)

They have to fly around the Ukrainian War Zone which includes Belarus.

>what is the wind
What a shockingly stupid question.

im sick with your bullshit jew same as everyone
>daily reminder only jews spam flat earth in places they cant censor where people talk about their crimes so their media can call anyone talking about their crimes flat earther

Attached: jewish flat earth idiot lost memory.jpg (790x592, 71.05K)

That actually works on the flat Earth map. Unfortunately the scale of the hemispheres does not work at all.

I forgot to add:
The holocaust never happened

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Its called cointelpro. Its a CIA op. They started it during the JFK thing because too many people were asking too many sensible questions. Its not limited to FE.
>UFOs did 9/11
>they were holograms!
Both examples of a counter intelligence program. I'm sure jews are involved in some way. But the CIA is who funds and operates it.
Its brilliant really. A few agents go around convincing gullible retards of something, then they propagate it. Very economically viable. Probably one of the cheapest and most effective operations ever.

The edge of what we know is Antarctica, because if you flatten the Earle the "south pole" would actually be around us. Any the argument is the ice wall is heavily protected , which it is. It's the only treaty between so many countries that hasn't been broken.

why are you kikes posting shit that links anti kikism and anti tranny anti pedo shit to flat earth memes?

I've literally heard this same line repeated for years nigger

>thinks this picture proves earth is round

CIA is just US branch of mossad thats why they hide jewish crimes

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you're retarded.
stell dir einen sehr flachen kegel vor den du auf eine kugel legt, mit der innenseite der kegeligen fläche. Das ist dein Sichtfeld. die Linie an der sich der Kegel mit der Kugel schneidet ist ein Kreis. Das ist der Horizont. Deshalb ist er flach. Du bist der midwit.

oder brauchst du ein beispiel warum deine idee von einer flachen erde komplett bescheuert ist? kann dir eins geben.

transparent well poisoning

>the only treaty between so many countries that hasn't been broken
Probably because there is literally nothing to do in Antarctica aside from scientific research.

Two questions.

Assuming flat earth is real, this expedition would have took like 10 times more time than it did. It would have been completely impossible to obscure something like that, considering number of people involved.
Was every member of ships' crews and every government official related to documenting expedition high degree freemason who faked everything together.

How do geostationary satellites work? Do freemasons climb up the firmament and glue transponders to it?

yes it does you dumb kike
>daily reminder only jews spam flat earth in places they cant censor where people talk about their crimes so their media can call anyone talking about their crimes flat earther

Attached: flat earth kike still pretends he cant understand.jpg (600x600, 66.95K)

Daily reminder that polish flag will appear within less than 30 minutes in your thread if it's about flat earth. What would a person gain from this unless he is a paid shill?

Copy paste his posts in 4plebs and verify it for yourself.

Attached: polack shill1.png (1181x881, 472.4K)

there's an online tool for this
enter values into the online tool, and show a picture that contradicts it
you can't
it's there for everyone, instead you make up fake numbers and lie about what the ballpeople are saying, so you can carry on this mentally ill mind virus
and you know you're lying to yourself
so what's worse, toxoplasmosis
or the mind virus of flat earth?
lol you zombies

Then explain why a ship disappears as it does over the horizon. That's only possible due to being on a sphere. Honestly, what's even the fucking point of this flat Earth retardation? Is it a type of log posting?

Attached: fuck flat earthers canada style.gif (2083x3811, 2.73M)

The plane departed from Moscow.
The wind doesn't work like that, if it pushed the plane outside of its intented flight path, the plane would just fly with a heading slightly into the wind in order to correct for the drift.
For instance, if you're flying at a heading of 100, and the wind pushes you into the path you'd normally take at 110 without wind, you just select a heading of 90, and your plane will follow a flight path similar to that of a heading of 100. I'm simplifying it because you obviously are retarded but I hope you get the idea, planes don't allow themselves to drift by thousands of miles because of the wind, that would be wild.

This is a psyop to equate schizo flat earth ramblings with hating trannies, which is a completely sane thing to do. Don’t fall for the bait

so your claims against my jew
guess who makes sense and who just tries to smear shit around
>daily reminder only jews spam flat earth in places they cant censor where people talk about their crimes so their media can call anyone talking about their crimes flat earther

Attached: absolute state of jewish flat earth shills.png (3796x1789, 736.16K)

this is why

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