Any Forums will defend this

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Really sad.

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Uhhh Based?

Wow it's just like Harry Potter

Of course. If they want to keep up their rainbows, they need to couple them with a quote of Genesis 9:13

They did this to themselves. They showed that even with a little bit of freedom they would abuse it. There is no constraint or middle ground for them

If I give my kid a marker I’m trusting him to only draw on the paper. If he starts coloring on the walls I have no choice but to take away the marker.

>Staff can't even wear rainbow clothing.
kek. the horror

"safe space" is the most straight-hating man-baiting shit I have ever fucking heard.

you know what happens when a muslim child is taught by one of these cunts? the parents come and kick its teeth in

Yeah, faggots and groomers deserve the rope.

Rest in Pieces faggots

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based analogy. and true.
fags have shown no ability to control themselves so they require outside control. its for their own and everyone elses good.

Yes because dont say gay is propaganda.
The law is about not discussing sex with other people's kids and the law is just.

Fags should hang

I'm sure your 2 year old is far more rational and reasonable than any faggot gringo teacher.

Death to kikes

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stfu and die of monkey pox fag

Reads like a joke, trying to act like they're normal just like everyone else and then talking about wearing rainbow clothing, these people always have to make it known

Your clas is for teaching the alphabet not counting genders.

the gay mafia pushed too far
their movement isn't about acceptance but revolution.
they won't stop until age of consent is lowered.

>we were told that we can't display gay symbols, gay ideas, and gay concepts on children
>and you'll never believe what happened next
>in 2 days we're being forced to get rid of rainbow stickers and pictures of our same-sex spouse
>what the fuck, we're only supposed to not tell kids about gender during sex-ed
>that's what the "don't say gay" bill was
>no i haven't heard of "don't ask, don't tell"

And the day before several times.

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Yes, my 2 year old is far more rational than a faggot who decides cutting his dick off will solve his problems

Groomers need to hush because bullets are next.

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remember that bill the representative majority passed to confirm their state doesn't want gays
maybe faggots should take the fucking hint and fuck off back to California

Unfathomably based

Weird, maybe Im just an old fag, but my teachers never had pictures of their spouses up in the classroom and they never discussed what happened in their private lives.

oh no, brainwashed faggots have to remove the flag of the occupying marxist idealogy from view of innocent children

Reddit was wrong again

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Ron DeSantis has been a God-send to Florida and a paragon of many virtues to the entire 1st world.
Too bad he'll likely flip flop on every issue when he's president - like every GOP executive before him.

the only reason why this is happening is because they kept pushing their agenda so much that kids started taking puberty blockers and butchering their genitals.

Homosexuals and their supporters are locusts. Every slippery slope argument from 15 years ago is 100% correct.

>implying being gay is not about fucking other men
That is what gays are so it basically is sex-ed.

How does the removal of inherently sexual stickers disprove that the bill is actually about preventing anything sexual in class rooms for k-3?

>Russia invades Ukraine
>Schools begin teaching kids how to have gay sex
>Trucks of Peace across Europe, Afghanistan Saigon's the US

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Why is queer propaganda such a thing to cause the people to revolt? It's like it's intentional.

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Yes. =)

you have to go back

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