When do you think furries will be generally accepted in society? It seems harmless to me...

When do you think furries will be generally accepted in society? It seems harmless to me. People never had a problem with mascots before or people dressing up as Mickey Mouse. Why did it become a problem with people with fursonas? You'd think Muslim societies would love that shit because they like their people largely covered up. I look forward to a day when a fursona can be included on your birth certificate or ID if it's that important to you.

Attached: furrade.jpg (640x457, 92.92K)

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I mean they already kinda are? No one really gives a shit.

>When do you think furries will be generally accepted in society
Several years ago, at least in states like California

Furries are alright. It's funny when they get bullied but there's no one who genuinely hates them. we'd hate them if they were into real animals

It isn't 2011 and the furry panic is over. Any Forums even has a furry board again. There are simply worse things than us to be mad about.

When there are proper fursuits. Most of them look shit.

Attached: thai fox car salesman.webm (540x960, 2.64M)

How did he make it be so expressive?

Because a lot of them are gay and fuck each other in their booms(Read with Scottish Accent). I've seen it myself those disgusting videos when it was posted on cripplechan

There's that still unsolved gas attack on a furry convention.


And then Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski joked and laughed about it on TV.

Trump seems cool with furries though. He featured one behind him at a speech of his.


Attached: furries for Trump.jpg (1198x1166, 174.27K)

Car fox?

Mouth is connected to his jaw, ears are on servos controlled by his foot usually.

Here's the photo of the furry at the Trump rally.

Attached: furries for Trump.jpg (1200x679, 132.29K)

Kill yourself faggot

Hopefully fucking never. Degenerate and destructive idiosyncracy that does nothing constructive for individuals or society. The 17th Century was known for burning witches, the 21th Century should become known for burning fursuits.

dudes suit is a rebel flag

White single mothers that walk into the dealership don't stand a fucking chance.

They already are and it's the worst part of furry. It's like burning man. It got too big and now it's too corporate.

>corporate furries
Lord help us...

Attached: 3548316345681.png (256x256, 90.78K)

I hate those furgots they all need to be gassed.
Goddamn petophiles

>White single mothers that walk into the dealership don't stand a fucking chance.
What do you mean by that?

>Mouth is connected to his jaw, ears are on servos controlled by his foot usually.
He had it surgically attached to his head?

>>corporate furries
>Lord help us...
I can imagine Elon Musk being a furry. Dude is very laid back and enjoys dressing up as Wario.

They've gotten so big that they have people combing the dealers den to make sure they aren't selling works with copyrighted characters and are appropriately filing all sales tax. Back in the day, you paid a handful of cash for a nude print of Tony the Tiger and it was great

Acceptable as a dead bodies only.
>Verification not required.

I grew up in the 90s I like cartoon animals, nostalgic

You realize that furries are 99.9% homosexual right?

It's probably not good that you know this

Attached: 48493515.jpg (1508x892, 84.93K)

Just out of curiosity. What is the worst furry costume you've ever witnesses?

The dragon ones always crack me up.

Attached: the rage.jpg (266x500, 24.73K)

All the ones that "came out" as furries to me in college were heterosexual. I was kind of like whatever makes you happy, but found it odd.

Topkek. I still laugh my ass off at this. It’s why moot nuked Any Forums.

>He had it surgically attached to his head?
Use your brain.

They are though, you retard.

Attached: Gam2r.png (308x294, 13.57K)

Not really. As much as I can't stand most furriest, they're not all gays. Lots of degeneracy though, but whatever.

I've been a furry since the 90s. I know I'm not going to change anyone's opinions about the community but I might as well share some insider secrets.

I will behead furries.