Cause of skin cancer accidentally revealed by lockdowns

Recent research proves skin cancer is the result of working in office buildings, and not getting direct sunlight (as previously thought). Turns out white people require two types of UV light to produce vitamin D, and vitamin D metabolizes melanoma cells. Windows filter one of the types, and artificial light adds more of the kind windows don't filter. This kind of UV light is toxic. So white people (having evolved to live in office sweatshops) overdose on this kind of UV, which is toxic once vitamin D levels are low enough.

tl;dr -- white people have literally been working themselves to death by cancer for the last 70 years (there was no skin cancer prior to 1940). Go outside and touch grass, it will literally save your skin.
>inb4 sauce

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>touch grass
I don't get this meme. Is it for city folk who see it as a big deal to go into a park once a month?

It's for office workers, so yeah, mostly urban faggots.

>australians locked in their homes
>illegal to sunbake or watch the sunset
>no drop in cancer

sooo uh, what do the people who blamed cancer on sunscreen have to say for themselves now?

It's "touch wood" and these people have replaced it with "touch grass" because "wood" is a non-PC word that reminds them of a hard phallus.

Hey guys, I know I am seeing a lot of back-and-forth on this topic, but I really need to push back and raise some red flags here.

Having an on-site office presence is foundational to our ability to drive efficiencies in a corporate landscape. It is in our DNA. Sure, there is no 'one size fits all' or silver bullet and some are just boilerplate solutions, leveraged to the hilt and really only keeping us at a 30,000-foot-view of things. Being on-site, however, really allow us to get better granularity, find better directional-indicators, or loop back and dive deep into some critical issues on a go-forward basis.

I think if you all start spending more time in the office again, you'll find yourself trending toward the positive, but you'll have to keep an eye on the puck. Gut through it, reduce thrash, and let's stay in lock-step on this. Yes, we will synergize!

What's the root cause of the hatred of Corporate office spaces? I'll put my layman's hat on and guess that it comes from movies such as Office Space and Dilbert cartoons. But we all know that these are fictional spaces, and real office spaces allow us to touch base in a much more efficient manner.

I have to time-box this comment, as I have a hard-stop in a moment when I will have to jump onto a call. So, just one more point that I want to cover-off on: let's socialize the idea of having more office presence and loop back to see whether we're being more impactful. From a management standpoint, I think that we can get the traction to do it.

So, net/net, ignore the naysayers, sidebar the folks that are stuck in the weeds, and don't waste cycles or bandwidth on folks that don't align strongly with this mission. Try it out, and we'll have another touch point in a little while to see if we've moved the needle. Remember, our north star hasn't changed. We're still championing our core values remotely and we will only do it better in person.

If you need me, I will be online again in a bit.

There is evidence that sunscreen can increase risk, same reason: blocking one kind of UV light and letting the other through. You need both to make the metabolite that melts melanomas.

I like touching wood, but it does sounds sort of gay. Touching grass is like touching womens more than touching wood.

>sooo uh, what do the people who blamed cancer on sunscreen have to say for themselves now?

Shit, another way to get cancer.



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The best way to get cancer is by eating low-fat options.

>too much sun gives you cancer
>not enough sun gives you cancer
>eating meat gives you cancer
>not eating meat will result in vitamin deficiency which in turn gives you cancer
>doing sports wrecks your joints and gives you cancer
>not doing sports gives you cancer and diabetes
I hate science so much

Damn. Now I’m turgid. I shall never become a sorcerer.

Makes me wonder if they knew that taking people into office work environments was causing these health problems all along. If you read enough of this stuff, and go down the rabbit hole, it doesn't sound crazy. They only care about profit. They'll kill everyone for profit, and sometimes for hardly any profit at all, like they're doing it on principal just to suppress the plebs. Everyone getting sicker also creates profit.

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I have a lot on my plate right now.

>Curing people sustainable
And now you've made them customers for life with your "vaccines".

In many American cities, especially in the south west of america grass doesn't naturally grow and tyrannical water restrictions prevent people from watering their yards to make grass, so grass is a novelty now. People who stay inside and work on computers seldom go outside and so seldom see grass. These two things combined means that touching grass is a rarity and a therapeutic thing to do. It has a soft damp feeling that those Americans almost never experience. Some children today have never seen or touched grass at all in their entire lives.

This. Now we're forced to re-evaluate: what if they were making everyone sick, even just nudging us all in the direction of illness with the "childhood vaccines". Doesn't mean vaccines can't be made to be beneficial, but it's like the difference between putting a weapon is the hands of a serial killer vs. someone who wants to defend himself from killers. The same tool can save lives or become a murder weapon.

Weirdly enough, old games consoles that go yellow like SNES return to their original colour when left in actual sunlight for a few days. The cause is the same thing, glass filters part of sunlight and the plastic reacts to that. People have been using peroxide for years to de-yellow their consoles, but it turns out sunlight will do it all on its own.

Can nukes give these types of UV light?

>if ted wasnt caught, he would have eventually built a nuke

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>Fitzpatrick skin type 1
>live in Australia
>just go outside bro
Ha good one.

It just means you only need a few minutes in the sun, instead of a few hours. Your skin is that efficient.

One year isn't enough to do shit, lmao. Sking cancer takes YEARS to accumulate and break down skin cells.

>illegal to sunbake or watch the sunset

Interesting. Wonder what it means for all the "indoor food grow" ops that are so trendy. Are plants grown indoors less healthy, do they not produce the same nutrients? I wonder how much all this indoor life fucks up other things too.

People into self research into different cancers have known that lack of D is a significant contributor to cancers like skin cancer. I mean...isn't it obvious when melanoma's often appear in places on the skin that don't get much sunlight? As long as you don't fucking fry yourself in the sun, you'll be fine.

More than a half hour exposure of plastic to sunlight in the american south west during the summer will make the plastic extremely brittle so only do this during the winter and for very limited times

>I mean...isn't it obvious when melanoma's often appear in places on the skin that don't get much sunlight?
^ Good point.

Indoor crops are usually grown hydroponically, and have the nutrients directly added to the water they are in.

Really? So they don't try to stimulate the plant to actually produce whatever nutrients made it a food crop in the first place, they just "inject" vitamins into it?

>Are plants grown indoors less healthy, do they not produce the same nutrients?
Plants don't have many nutrients to begin with, and they're all laced with anti-nutrients so to prevent the absorption of the few nutrients they do have as a defense mechanism against predators who'd otherwise eat them... because they need the few nutrients they do have for themselves.

And yes, plants grown indoors are worse. It's also impossible to grow them indoors without widespread waste and destruction.

>indoor life
I'm concerned about these 'efficient' lights we now have, they're harsh and just don't feel right. The old light blubs gave of a pleasant light that wasn't so fucking bright.

Any idea if redlights give off this toxic UV shit?

you are autistic.

*Red light LLLT (red bulbs rather than LEDs - same wavelength as fire)

>I'm concerned about these 'efficient' lights we now have, they're harsh and just don't feel right
Me too. I'm hoping an user with more knowledge on this topic would drop some links in this thread.

Maybe, but it doesn't explain the reasoning behind the meme.

I thought it had to be something this retarded.