Plebbitors moving to Red states

What will you do when they arrive? A friendly welcome I’m sure.

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ban gay marriage

You always see dems moving to red states but never republicans to blue states. Why is that?

Pretty based desu. And like flyover attitudes towards our plight in blue state hell it will absolutely be not my fucking problem.

These faggots are trying to rationalize their real world escape from their own failed worldview.

They can't afford it.

what is it with those redditors and their grandios adventure plans that will never work out?
>fighting in ukraine against evil putler
>fighitng in the us for baby killers, thinking it will be a "revolution"
>moving to other states for one vote????

what the hell is their thinking process, like they have some superpowers or something

Or perhaps they don't like being ripped off $3k a month for 800sqft with no yard. I am surrounded on all sides by ranchers that make more a week than you do in a year here in central Texas. You wouldn't like it out here. There isn't a Starcucks every 10 ft.

We move silently. Republicans aren’t normally muh loud and proud. Rednecks are, but most aren’t. I’m in tech and I moved from Tennessee to San Francisco in 2012. I love the potential here despite the poo. More and more of my coworkers have become silent conservatives, especially the Indians and Asians.

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>leftists bitch and mourn about abortion law being passed down to the states again
>move to red states
fucking brilliant

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We will make it your problem
This. The toxically smug leftist lacks humility and introspection. Utterly incapable of recognizing their own faults. I always imagine them like the people that sniff their own farts in South Park.

Already stalking and harassing his profile. Beginning death threats.

You don’t know how expensive Florida is retard.

Woah Goy! Cool it with the bigotry and racism towards lefties.

This is why you must kill them. This is the ultimate result of the failed system called democracy, killing those who vote against your interest.

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>move to florida for no state income tax
>I'm doing my part flipping it blue
>massive state income taxes
>leave state destroyed
>flee to next red state

its def not that. its that they are shitholes and uncomfy and filled with niggers and high tax and racist towards whites.

Imagine being so alone and so salty that you move somewhere just to vote in their elections. Not because you have family there, not because of a good job, not because you found your dream house. But because you want to own the magatards.


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>I'm moving to own the republicans
>It's totally not because the democrats turned my home state to an unihabitable shithole

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I mean people do the exact same thing here.
>RWDS soon
>Day of the rope
>Collapse coming

So this migration is limited to men? Because I was told that women can't survive in red states without legalized baby murder.

>What will you do when they arrive?
Nothing, Americans don't do anything anymore, just a bunch of fags who take it up the ass from TOG (Theater-kid Occupied Government)

>urbanite moved to small town in middle america
>realizes how much better it is
>stops voting liberal
lol, keep em coming retards

>what made you pick SD?
It reminds him of STD, which he's used to pick.

>What will you do when they arrive?

>we should move our center of life to a state we hate just to make sure TEAM BLUE wins
Mental illness.

The same thing we do in other red states. We corrale them into districts in the urban centers they'll live in and mitigate the damage while accepting more electoral votes. Look at Texas and Florida. All blue voters from California and NY respectively move to the same already blue areas with Starbucks and Soul Cycle And both States have gotten redder and more powerful in the past 10 years. Blue faggots can't survive in rural America so their plan is and is dead on arrival.

They're not moving to flip states. They're moving because they realize how shitty their liberal run hell holes are. Oh yes I'm doing my part! While they run off to saner pastures.

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Pretty much. They just can't deal with the nigger hellscape and insane taxes anymore, but they could never say that openly so instead they come up with an excuse for why they are totally doing it to spread the cause.
They will probably still try to ruin those states anyway if they actually move, but it wasn't their motivation for moving.

Yes, hordes of fighting age strong liberal men are coming to reclaim your states and teach the children ways of the drag queens.

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They're poor they aren't going anywhere. The left is made up of the ultra Jewish and catholic elites and then all the poor people. These people lie about everything. The only people moving to red states from blue states are right wing and have money

>I love the potential here
I just love the hustle and bustle!

>we will make it your problem

You won't, haven't, and will never do shit.
The right has proven themselves effete more than enough times to drive home the point that they can be walked all over with impunity. Spare me the vaguely ominous, threatening language.

Kek. The problem is being brought to you fucknut.

>I am surrounded on all sides by ranchers that make more a week than you do in a year here in central Texas.
All thanks to gubment subsides. You welfare queens will get what you deserve.

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Property values yes because of all the blue state boomers taking over. Your wages are shit.

US should implement a State-based citizenship. Like Switzerland, where there’s a 3-level system of citizenships: federal, cantonal, and municipal.

Literally a plague of locusts. They swarm and consume everything in their path leaving barren destruction in their path.

Damn, had never thought about it that way before.

It's definitely that. Not too many jobs shoveling cow shit in LA, Cletus.

you lost gun control, abortion, and the EPA all within a week
i'd be shilling if i were you too

>I moved from Tennessee to San Francisco
you will regret this someday

yeah but any nigger can little roll up in the city and get a decent job. if youre white then your management in a 3 month period faggot. then i take all that money and stocks and go back to my home state comfy af.