

Attached: jfja.png (1035x817, 283.13K)

t. atheist liar for hire

I wish niggers didn't exist

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>This demographic story also draws the emerging map of the world’s great Christian centers. Already by 2050, Africa will be home to more than a billion Christians, by far the largest concentration on the planet. That doesn’t take African migrants living around the world into account, that mighty Christian diaspora. The rate of numerical change is astonishing—and accelerating. By 2050 a list of the 10 countries worldwide with the largest Christian populations will include several African members, including Nigeria, Ethiopia, the DRC, and Uganda. Between 1900 and 2050, the African share of the global Christian population will have grown from barely 2 percent to more than 33 percent.

2 more weeks in action

Nigger countries growing exponentially is now a conspiracy?

The 2 weeks meme originally referred to midwits such as you looking at an exponential curve and neglecting the realistic limits on growth (of covid)

2 more weeks originally meant 2 more weeks until everyone on earth has covid (and subsequently is dead)

flatten the curve user

Wow look at those BBCs. Can barely see the others!

You think niggers are going to stop having 7 kids at any point in the next century? Is jesus gonna stop it?

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To feed their 7 kids, they will eat 7 other peoples' kids

They're ALL innocent until proven guilty.

2 weeks started with q retards, retard

Not a single nigger that breeds with white people makes an actual nigger. Eventually niggers will be bleached out of existence.

>PPP, another high-profile e-christcuck came out as saying he would rather live in a country with black christians than white "pagans"
It's over yahshuahbros ...

No it didn't, newfriend.

I only started watching Kino Casino very recently and thought highly of him at first. Then went back and apparently he showed his asshole on camera and would shit on the toilet seat all the time and had some guy he was living with take care of it for him. Like, wtf. Is it possible for Americans to not be disgusting creatures for 5 minutes?

>christcuck now advocating for ignoring mass black migration and simulatneously breeding with blacks
>blacks are BASED rabbi believers like us, after all.

Voodooism. Got it

Daily reminder that pagantards worship gods who drink cum