Jew Thread

Do Any Forumsacks believe every jew is evil?
Is it just the ashkies?
What does Moishe Shekelstein who runs a bagel shop on Jew Avenue have to do with a jewish conspiracy?
Why is Tel Aviv filled with Faggots when in 1934 there was a pro-Nazi parade there?

My take is that the ashkies are the most fucked up type of Jew on average, the shock of moving from life of shtetl to modern industrial society is what led to such ideologies as Marxism, Psychoanalysis, etc. The shtetl jew trying to say "no you too" to the goyim, that they face the same neuroses as the shtetl jew (mostly ashkie).

The filthy rat communist kike laid waste to civilization because of his neuroses, the zionist jew was Chad, trying to reclaim his ancient land and resurrect an ancient civilization, and then the _____ nationalist jews, who were truly nationalist for their country. See: Judah Benjamin, Otto Rahn, Stephen Miller. See also 10s of thousands of joos who fought for the Wehrmacht in WW2

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Let this jew explain it:

They want to control a NPC prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, gender-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled, subdued cattle (which they call goyim). They make up 1.4% of the US population and 0.2% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

And while the elite globalism pushing jews are one thing, the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.

They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just completely ingrained into their culture. So, thereā€˜s the grand jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.

300+ sourced must-know jew redpills:

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So true. We Jews are actually good people

Never said you were "good people" you fucking nigger loving kike faggot. You kikes are generally incompatible with nearly every form of European or Anglo-Saxon civilization. The best ones among you abandon your perverse medieval religion and mix into the common population of your host nations and interbreed, leaving only the filthy rat kikes left. I applaud zionism, true self-sufficient zionism and not the zionism of Ben "more missiles for Israel" Shapiro, because it's out of a manly desire for land and space and conquest, and also because you faggot kikes leave Europeans alone.

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>I applaud zionism, true self-sufficient zionism
based and nuanced pilled, but right now it seems that we are too retarded for true self-sufficiency, the averages Israeli votes like an NPC nigger cattle and we have a bad case of Jew Jewing Jews.

>it seems that we are too retarded for true self-sufficiency
True. Hitler helped you guys out back in the day because real recognize real, Israel was Chad, especially during the Cold War, stomping on Arabs no problem. What went wrong?

> the brain damage is the point

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Every Jew does his part, no matter how small.

>What went wrong?
I want answers kike user

>What went wrong?
>I want answers kike user
This is my take
You see, the Ashkenazi Jews that were willing to go to Israel are those that were willing to actually do manual labor, work the fields, and fight wars unlike the ones who stayed in the diaspora, so there was a kind of selective process where kike subverters stayed with their goy shekels in the diaspora (many of whom actually thought Israel is a wasteful investment) and Jews leaving to Israel who actually did nationalist thing (it was very socialist as well at the beginning), this is why Israel was kind of successful at first. Over time they let in the shitskin Jews and the ultra-orthodox Jews. Israel became more individualistic and liberal over time and slowly opened up to the global economy as the system transitioned more to a capitalistic system which gave chance to the mega kikes to begin corrupting things with monopolies entangling it with the diaspora. Now it's a complete mess. Now we have to choose between Islamo-trannyism or utlta-orthodox kikism, everything is monopolized and shitskin sandniggers are running a mock everywhere.

Everyone has free will and any jew can choose to be a good person and some do. But they are socially culturally and religiously programmed to believe they are a superior race and that Europeans specifically but everyone to some degree is scary to them, and that fear turns to hate in many Jews and a sense of fear hate and superiority leads to patterns of predatory and in general evil behavior committed by them. 2500 years of trauma based mind control hammered into you epigenetically is difficult to overcome

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Fuck you kike go die in a wooden gas chamber

>shitskin sandniggers are running a mock everywhere.
Is it true bootlip yemeni "jews" feel up ashk grils on the street? Also why is Tel Aviv so fucking homofied?

>Is every Jew evil?
I estimate there are occasionally good ones
Perhaps 1/6000000, something like that

>zionists will leave Europeans alone
Okay Churchill how did that pan out

White people are the same

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>Is it true bootlip yemeni "jews" feel up ashk grils on the street?
nah, maybe the sephardic/mizrahi are more "chad" like on average.
>Tel Aviv so fucking homofied?
Something went wrong with American Jews and liberals they went full BLM, tranny faggotry and Tel Aviv got a heavy dose of that shit

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Judaism is a trauma based religion that larps as an ethnicity, bit the larp was so strong they essentially became one thru inbreeding. Jews read their religious texts every year, in which describe how the goyim hate them and will genocide them. This mindset of constant implied trauma renders practicing jews completely dependent upon their tribe, despite whatever that tribe does.
Judaism also claims that it's, ethnic, adherents are chosen by god. This doesn't differ from other abrahamic religions except others either convince or subdue others into conversion, while judaism restricts such acts.
It is a cult. Trauma-induced survivor complex ethnotheocrats that have been so mind fucked it's impossible for them to have any real morals beside the strict nature of being set before them.
I hate jews so much it's unreal

>Do Any Forumsacks believe every jew is evil?

Not all of them. Maybe 99%.

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The Zionists of the late 19th/early 20th century wanted to disengage from Europe, from the trappings of their ancestry and establish their own land while also being a sort of outpost of European Civilization on the edge of Europe (read Herzl on this). Modern """Zionists""" use Zionism and subbort for Israel as a grift to take shekels from the dumb goyim.

The original Zionists were basically Jewish Nazis.

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