Neder Any Forumsder general: the CIVIL WAR ESCALATION of the Netherlands

>Everything is shit, but don’t be demoralised, use your anger to win:
- The government basically just stated the Dutch military may shoot farmers
- Government wants to negotiate with farmers, but only those that "disavow the protests" and not with the "relschoppers". DON'T FALL FOR IT, this is textbook DIVIDE AND CONQUER. STAY UNITED.
- The 4th of July a massive protest is announced, the farmers will be joined with dockworkers & truckers and the will shutdown the whole country (ports, airports and distribution centres)
- Martial law in Apeldoorn for fear of liberation action farmers that were arrested
- People are visiting traitor politicians at their houses now
- Traitor mongoloid minister is dodging question how deleting farmers would affect the food security
- Segers of the CU party warns for a civil war if this continues
- Traitor head of NPO (media) ''needs protection'' after ''being threatened''
- Traitor D66+VVD homofags trying to rob farmers of their lands with their extremely retarded climate plans/nitrogen.

>Required reading/watching (the following videos and articles are in Dutch)
- Ministry of Justice and Security refuses to investigate reports of rape by (underaged) individuals inflicted by the Dutch elite
- The city of Apeldoorn to turn into a "smart city" by the WEF, mysterious white boxes are attached to every streetlight

>WEF documents here

- We are getting shilled on a regular basis by glowies, AIVD is aware we exist but seethes they can't do anything about it

>Previous threads:

Attached: 1656611071499.png (680x382, 494.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:

kek how is there still room for farms in your tiny country?

This is all very upsetting

Most of the people still support the farmers

Attached: poll.png (821x257, 11.9K)

Surprising, it's like they'd like food on their plates or something.
I wonder what the 7% are thinking.

bump lets get some propaganda going guys. someone who speaks netherlandic help caption my meme pics


You glow niggers are too early. You're supposed to start this gay psyop thread at 9:00.

Attached: DUTCh pay piggies.png (1119x682, 36.94K)

That 7% are like those Californians that think food just magically appears in the store.

Monday will decide everything. Lets pray for chaos.

Goed slogan already in the pic.
Geen geouwehoer wees nou eens trots op de boer!

>The 4th of July a massive protest is announced, the farmers will be joined with dockworkers & truckers and the will shutdown the whole country (ports, airports and distribution centres)

They really are trying to create a modern Holodomor, all the factories and food processing facilities being burn. Insane amounts of Grain in China and even Brazil burnt. Cattle deaths by the thousands.

Now the Dutch trying to shut down all farms, this is a dystopia. How the fuck cant normies or npc's see its coming.

Attached: 1511985951859.jpg (633x758, 67.53K)

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Stick around here or look at previous threads, it was announced on telegram/whatsapp chats

geen gekanker, Nederland moet blanker
geen gekloot, Rutte moet dood

you see why americans love guns so much?


>The 4th of July a massive protest is announced

We'll get more done without them than you, because you are a nation of cowards.

not my problem

You understand it's an european law and not just a NL law. That was already announced in Ireland too and probably all european countries in the next months, because it was decided at Brussels ?
You are not fighting your politicians only, but the whole continent oligarchy and the "liberal world order" like Biden say ?
Good luck changing anything. I support any people who want to kill the liberal world order and politicians.

Going to turn this into a "kike detainment, free of charge" service anytime soon or am I going to witness a mass of old farmers being torn to shreds by bullets fired at them by diversity hires in the military?

> I am but a poor police officer
> can't do anything in my neighborhood anymore because of stupid farmers
> we cannot do investigations because of stupid farmers

Because they can fantasize about doing anything instead of actually doing something?

>pigs can't do their "job" anymore
and nothing of value was lost

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