Why are Christcucks like this pol?

Why are Christcucks like this pol?

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Not bumping it. Christianity is good and so is Patriotism.

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user... Jesus was an Essene.
Jew is more of a modern concept

Oh, sweety. That's rlly problematic, this is going to take a long time to unpack. What are you doing being this antisemetic?

Thanks for bumping it, Nick.

They have a psychological need to think they are special and have chosen a path that separates them from everyone else. In their minds it makes them automatic winners no matter what they do. If you really pick it apart its just another form of communism. The churches in America didn't become like this until the late 90s.

This thread screams sneed seethe and cope

Also, repent. You godless faggot

>This thread screams sneed seethe and cope
>Also, repent. You godless faggot

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You're the only one seething christcuck

its you who needs to repent. This thread proves that your church has failed. Welcome back the real church. You are reprobate and Gods punishment is upon you.

That is christcucks
Real Christians put Jewish and Muslim into submission.

Real Christians don't need women approval, having favour of God is good enough for them.

Practice semen retention and covert their earthly desires into spirituality

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>Real Christians put Jewish

“Love thy neighbor”


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Does the average christian zoomer of 2022 even have a clue that jew religious teachings claim that Jesus is in hell, “boiling in feces” for all eternity?

Also, Jesus wasn't a jew. And Mary was from Galilee, not Judea, obviously also not a jew

The purposeful subversion and destruction of christianity (originally an utterly anti-jewish movement) from within by jews post-WW2 is one of the most subversive things they have done. Jesus, born to Mary in Judea who then found true God and rejected judaism and named the evils of the "synagogue of satan", is maybe the only other person jews hate more than mustache man himself. A must watch documentary for any christians ITT:





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>Does the average christian zoomer of 2022 even have a clue that jew religious teachings claim that Jesus is in hell, “boiling in feces” for all eternity?
>Also, Jesus wasn't a jew. And Mary was from Galilee, not Judea, obviously also not a jew
>The purposeful subversion and destruction of christianity (originally an utterly anti-jewish movement) from within by jews post-WW2 is one of the most subversive things they have done. Jesus, born to Mary in Judea who then found true God and rejected judaism and named the evils of the "synagogue of satan", is maybe the only other person jews hate more than mustache man himself. A must watch documentary for any christians ITT:
>youtube.com/watch?v=8cVL0ViBB7E [Open]

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For the all christ cucks in here that want to post an angry reply....just turn the other cheek goy

ITT: Retard atheists who will burn and be raped by nigger demons for all eternity
bet those heckin updoots on r/atheism were worth eternal damnation. The stupidest goatfucker Muslim is smarter and more respectable than the “smartest” of atheists. At least if Abdul is right, he gets 72 virgins. What do atheists get for being right? NOTHING

Reminder that it wasn't pagans or atheists who strung up Leo Frank and it never will be.

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you are a faggot, and a ally to trannys. go to hell

Christians were better off when they couldn't read they're bible, now they read it and become push over hippies. Lap dogs of the Jews

Yes goyim, if you don't follow one of the jewish faiths you are an athiest, thats a good goy!

So is this all raid or are you guys getting paid for all this spam?

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>more respectable

Are you Christcucks respectful?
< ————

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And that's why the entire world is upside down.

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Christcuck posters, libshit chudjack spammers, and pro-nato Ukraine shills are literally the same people kek

Hang yourself kike

Reminder that it wasn't pagans or atheists throwing faggots off buildings or ventilating them at night clubs and it never will be.

>it's another buttblasted faggot reeeee'ing about christianity
This board is for politics faggot.

>This board is for politics faggot.
>Hang yourself kike
>...Anonymous (ID: cgLdEvoZ)
>07/01/22(Fri)01:55:09 No.384722676
> (You) #
>Reminder that it wasn't pagans or atheists throwing faggots off buildings or ventilating them at night clubs and it never will be.

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I don't believe in Jewish fear based tricks. Christ cucks only claim to be Christian because they have been tricked into fearing going to "hell" if they don't follow Jewish scripture.


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>pro-nato Ukraine shills
So you support Russia, which is less white and more vaxxed?

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Hell is a pagan word. It’s literally never mentioned in the Bible.

Any Forums always supported Russia along with Assad. You’d know this if you weren’t a newfag

>So you support Russia, which is less white and more vaxxed?

>claims he’s a christcuck, believes in racial issues

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>Any Forums is suddenly one person
I'm sorry that you don't have a life outside of this board. What is it about Jewtin, the kike lover and Holodomor denier that you find so appealing?

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>Ukraine is still somehow less jewish than the DPR
I know.

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Thank you for proving my point. All I had to do was mention Russia and you can’t help but sperg out over the topic, probably because that’s what you spend most of your time here shilling. All christcuck spam shills, anti-Putin shills and libshit shills are literally the same group of posters.

You retards usually don't give up that easily.

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every atheist is a larpfag
I don’t think you atheist retards are actually stupid enough to unironically believe there is no god. there’s nothing you get out of it.
>be Christian
>if I’m right, I go to heaven
>if I’m wrong, who knows what’ll happen
>be Muslim
>if im right, I get 72 virgins
>if I’m wrong, who knows what’ll happen
>be retarded atheist
>if I’m right, i just rot away and decompose.
>if I’m wrong, who knows what’ll happen
being an actual atheist is so unbelievably retarded that I’m 100% convinced every so-called “atheist” is larping to try to impress everyone else with how le smart they are.

>You retards usually don't give up that easily.

We’ve debunked you’re retarded nato shilling for years. Lmao. You claim to oppose Jews while unironically supporting a Jewish organization like nato and Khazaria.

Jesus was a inbred whoreson and is burning in a lake of semen and shit. May his name be accursed.

>stop telling the truth about Jewtin, you shill!

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>akshually the Holodomor was a good thing because of 7th century kike we wuzzing
Why do you support a Holodomor denier?

Chriscucks are our best ally against Israel.
After conquering Israel we will surely live in in friendship and peace ... :)

Why are you so insecure about your atheism ? Christchads are simply happier and better than you in every aspect of their life. It's fine, you can just move on. If you want to be as happy, but refuse to believe in God, you can always try to form a community and find yourself a good wife. Stop blaming everyone else for your own failures.

And you support a country which has a Jewish president who favors israel.