Portland is a shithole

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Truer words have never been spoken.

Why do the homeless never die out. Stop shitting out babies plz

residentially challenged inclusive*

>Portland is a shithole

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Holy shit that's right by the bus stop!
One time two niggers tried to rob me right after I bought some crack from them while crossing this street. Crazy times.

It looked like less of a shit hole then

>Portland is a shithole
Everyone knows that, newfag

Yes. Piles of human waate everywhere.

t. Live around corner from picrel

Was there a few weekends ago. Can confirm. The downtown area is fucking disgusting and full of complete trash, although there was a nigger on the MAX ranting about how Ukraine and China wouldn't have happened if Trump was elected. The white people in Portland are literally so degenerate and insufferable that even gang bangers are doing everything they can to differentiate themselves from them.

Portland is shit, but if it had more niggers it'd be even worse. You mostly just get tweakers and bums up here, unless you venture into the few black hoods that are segregated from the rest of the city.

>Portland is shit, but if it had more niggers it'd be even worse.
I would politely disagree with you. Yes, niggers bring a ton of bullshit, but they usually don't tolerate open faggotry, I mean, they are gay as fuck, but they don't advertise it. Degenerate whites are just as disgusting as degenerate niggers, but they openly buttfuck people and target children with their rainbow flag bullshit, so I could argue Portland (and Seattle) are as fucked up as they are because of high percentages of liberal whites.

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Can confirm. Travel there every year or two for work. In 2016 the 'cancer' was confined to a couple city blocks but by 2020 it had spread to the entire region.
Grafitti on the highway all the way from Vancouver to Beaverton. Homeless encampments on both sides of every exit. Junkie homeless everywhere.

But what really got me was watching the morning news, when they were reporting all the stabbings+shootings that happened the night before in this casual deadpan voice that I've only ever seen in Chicago.
It's a shame, I even considered moving up there long ago. Now I'd need a tetanus shot just to visit.

LOL I've eaten Dim Sum there when it was open 20+ years ago. Utopia, progress and diversity amirite?

Even the strip clubs went downhill. Used to be fun to explore. All the talent left so it's just nignogs, junkies and single moms now.

>Utopia, progress and diversity amirite?
Tolerance was their downfall. They tolerate cancer in their community so it keeps growing larger.

ABSOLUTELY. TRUE. The niggers in Portland were NOTHING but nice to me. The criminals and homeless bums also have more soul and spirit than your average restaurant/bar-goer.

Most of the people, left, or right in Portland are fucking cultists. All they do is talk about sex and drugs. I saw this Deliverance looking mother-fucker at this bar who was bragging about buying a cucking dildo for some bitch. Also saw some spic beaner saying in public how "Mexicans love their cartel" and I said nothing because I don't want to be cut up like a fucking cow by bean niggers.

Also, MOST people in public get MAD if you try to interact with them. Not ALL of them, but at least 50%.

Feeding them and passing city ordinances to make police use a "hands off" approach downtown with homeless is self-defeating insanity. Every lib city thinks kindness is the ultimate cheatcode in human civilization. Instead they step in a fat pile of human shit and get a syringe stabbed through their shoe when they leave the front porch to go on a run.

Proof capitalism is broken, even in a liberal city.

There was this one nigger bitch, who her own boyfriend complimented me for calling her a bitch to her face. It was awesome. kek

I work security in downtown currently making $19 to hide anywhere during my shift. I will soon work as an armed guard making $24+. Or unarmed at $21 an hour.
Thank god for the mayors laziness and I love the homeless for being homeless, I vote for this.

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Did that same thing 15 years ago in Austin. Get put on a bad enough site/area without a gun and instructions to not carry a knife or pepper spray, then its hiding time. Used to lay down in the back of my car and sleep most of the shifts.

I lived in Portland for right around 10 years although I'm not native to the area so I never really liked it.
Basically it was a tradeoff of there being almost no blacks at all there vs surrounded by libtards.

It was crazy the way it ended up for me though. I lost my job right around when the covid thing was spinning up, then I got hired doing the same thing in the Midwest but paid more despite way less cost of living. On my way driving down there when I was in a hotel in Wyoming was the day George Floyd got shot. I'm glad I missed all that bullshit that followed there.

it's as simple as just not going there. But, yes, fuck Portland. Can confirm, worst cesspool

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It's a joke reference to a movie Ivan you big faggot.

People get the city they dream of

very true OP
dûbs confirm