Oh no no no whitebros

Oh no no no whitebros

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Dudes self insert is a bootleg goku, what a cringy fag. Why are black and wetback weebs so cringy?

Did he just assume his race? Not. okay.

Idk why but I laugh everytime I see this one, lmao. I love stupid hot food and I'm white.

I love how the stereotypes and insults against whites are all forced and lame as fuck with zero sting. OP is a colossal faggot
> "W-whitey no likey da spicyyy!"
> "W-whitey no season food!"

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whites conquered the world to get spices

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Your crush got creampied by a Mexican

They get their idea of "white food" from school lunch, prison food, church donations, etc

I promise you I can eat stuff hotter than that beaner can. At the same time, why would I want to punish my sphincter?

Also inserts himself as the most light complexion non white skin tone possible

Why doe she look like Goku

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>Blacks over season and literally use soap on their chicken
>Wonder why their tounge barely registers heat or flavors
Damn you white people can't cook!

I love spicy food though?


Shitskins' perception of wipipo food is derived from their experience with public school breakfast and lunch giveaways and prison food.

>Liberia never controlled by Europe
idk, it was an american "colony"/experiment/nigger sequestering plan. Feels pretty "euro controlled" especially since at the time (post US civil war) the US was euro as fuck, with little to no mutting having occurred.

should just read "dairy products"
nigger starts shiting himself.

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Kiss my white ass, Jose. I will destroy you in hot sauce eating contest.

it's hilarious how butthurt white people get when blacks or mexicans crack a joke about unseasoned food or OP

take a joke, insecure children

White people always get triggered during banter and ruin it to the point of it becoming humorless.

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I ate your moms ass, Pedro.



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Neck yourself faggot

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at least this one is funny

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>using hot sauce to mask the food's inherent lack of flavor

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ive eaten one, they are quite hot like

to be fair, he probably looks like that
>t. part Puerto Rican, but was that same shade when i was a pathetic shut-in loser

People actually like spicy food?

Uhhhh but the other one said the n-word

No "people" like spicy food

MAYO loving ass!

Meh, I get the Valentina black label stuff when I go to the Mexican place. It's not hot but I don't need to prove anything at lunch.

I grew up in Southern Colorado, wild with the spics I know what spicy looks like you racist cunt

Yes carolina reapers are brutal.

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you're black

what really makes no sense is that theres plenty of the whitest whites that handle hotsauce and stuff just fine
take me for example, white as snow, but fine with hotsauce
i just hate when it drips on my gold coins as im counting them

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>take a joke
10 yrs ago I wouldve agreed with you
After a decade of anti-white agitprop and 1 way traffic - not so much
Niggers,jews and fags can't take a joke and call it racism/antisemitism/homophobia/hatespeech etc so with all due respect - fuck you.


No it's just a cope for shitty food and spoiled meat

Pic related is the best sauce.

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Remind me again who makes the hottest peppers on earth... oh yeah...US Whites...

>"when i was a pathetic shut-in loser"
>past tense
>still posting on a Colombian donkey fucking forum

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This can't be reiterated enough.

> ate two ghost peppers at my friends wedding ceremony

>didnt flinch

>was one of the coolest things ive ever done.

>got laid by 2 chicks

What is this elusive White person you speak of..

the human race takes on certain traits in order to acclimate to a particular environment...

In the white man's case (what use to be the white man) came from glory of GOD through the birth of a new idea.. God made a new man, a white man, an albino man.. something new and fresh to accommodate the new world (after the flood)...

Noah altogether an albino himself was still capable of passing on normal traits to his sons.. filled up the world with the diversity of the flesh..

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I refuse to believe people enjoy spicy food. It's just something they force themselves to endure because they've convinced themselves it's cultured ... like modern art.