The Tyre Extinguishers

If you own a truck or an SUV be on the lookout for these fags from europe trying to start a tire slashing movement in the US. They've already hit New York and say they plan on expanding to all major cities.

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Good way to get shot in the face.

Good lol fuck cityfags

Rural chad here
nobody would DARE here

Makes the SUV owner buy four new petrol-based products

not in manhattan it's not.

>not my problem

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It makes them have to make an insurance claim.
Lefty troglodytes inconveniencing normal people out of spite once again.

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Kill all these fucking rednecks

Most insurance has deductibles so you could still be out a grand.

Bros, I don't know if we can take on such a force

K. Muhammad

Kinda counter productive seening how much energy and petroleum each tire takes to make.

Based europeans dominating New Yorkers, no tires for you

Chad leftist takes direct action.
Virgin rightist hides in his cuckshed and mutters some bitchcope about being cvilized and principled.

So they are going to save the environment by generating unnecessary waste? Those people are obviously just going to buy new tires and before the old one's were used up. Thus accelerating climate change...assuming one believed in such things which these tire slashing fags do.

>Yes that's right Sven, if we slash enough SUV tires they will feel bad and buy a Tesla electric car instead. We are the smartest people to ever live!

>more tires now need to be produced

Definitely, and if you're armed I'm not calling the cops and chances are none of my neighbors are either

I'm taking your shit and ditching you and probably your car in a hole

You would never put in an insurance claim for slashed tires. 1) You'd have to pay a deductible and 2) You'd have to pay betterment on tires if yours are really bad.

>target cars at random
>probably didn’t get a single rich person’s car because they’re all in gated communities that you can’t access
>force these people (who are probably already struggling to survive given it’s NYC) to buy more petroleum based products to be able to travel
>this will somehow help solve climate change

I can’t believe people this stupid exist. Just fucking baffles me

Retard leftoids
Ironically, they are contributing to creating more useless tires that will end up in the trash.

> inb4 some libshit gets beaten or worse shot to death

it makes my blood boil that faggots can do this, and if you actually caught one, the police in the leftist shithole im in would either
a) charge you for assault or kidnapping for holding him until police arrived
b) not even book the scumbag into jail
and he would never be made to compensate you for your tires.
in leftist cities you get people who just commit hundreds of dollars of petty crime every day and the cops never stop them. they only ever stop because they die of a drug overdose or some violent bum or nig kills them. imagine someone doing this to your car and you have to just watch them get away as they snicker at you.

Cool, I get an insurance payout for new expensive tyres, and more tyres to burn

Yeah, agreed. I just let the air with a lentil in their valve cap. Fuck slashing tires.

What is the climate impact of manufacturing a tire? How about 4 tires? The bigs ones you need on an SUV. These idiot activists are damaging sympathy for their cause and creating a greater climate impact than they prevent.

>apple watch

I bet their necks will slice even easier if caught.

Absolutely this. Just like those Peta weirdos who threw paint on people's coats.

What do you think they did?
"Now that a bunch of psychopathic terrorists threw paint on my fucking coat, I not realize not to buy endangered baby Mink coats."

Na, they went out and bought a Mink coat. People are just going to buy new tires. Destroying people's property to promote "change" is just fucking stupid. Imagine living paycheck to paycheck and then having your tires slit by some dumbass with blue hair who doesn't know their fucking gender who doesn't know you need to drive places because your kid with non-functioning autism can't get on the train easily. I fucking hate liberals.

Your mistake is thinking these people care about being productive.

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dude, the supreme court just said otherwise. do you live under a rock?

hello fellow portlandfren

>dumb fuck comes on my property with a knife to use on my truck tires
If only I could be so lucky

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its got electrolytes

Well your group supports a lot more.

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It's literally glowniggers that start these movements always
Jew hates the car
He wants everyone to be packed like sardenes on a bus, while he drives freely with no traffic

just buy a tesla lol

I'm not in a group. Sounds gay. I only do it to people who park on the street, fucking socialists.

Any form of this is passive aggressive, jogger / female type behavior. You are accomplishing nothing but wasting the time and energy of both yourself and the person with the vehicle you envy

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Make sure to burn your slashed tires.

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