What are the political implications of medical barbarism being codified as law?

What are the political implications of medical barbarism being codified as law?

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State enforced homosexuality getting closer each day.

transgenders are now classified as non-human

Post your face when trannies have the right to an abortion but women don't.

A reversion to the mean. Our brief escape from barbarism was only a dream.

Forgot mine

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>political implications
An entire generation of systematically abused children growing up into enraged adults with no trust in the government. This does not typically end well.

why are they so obsessed with trannies? it really doesnt poll well

I was worried that Democrats were going to leverage RvW into a win this fall, but I am not longer worried about them being able to do that.

In depth jew political, funding and voting data:

Ever wonder what happened to the West?

Explained here:

History is repeating...

Weimar Germany history lesson:

Somewhere down the line there will be a backlash and the more they push now, the more reactive that backlash will be when it happens. I think the youngest generation now will be the ones who start rebelling against this like hippies rebelled against the social norms in the 60’s. Their entire lives will be in an era completely defined by faggotry, which will kill this idea that they’re the counterculture. People today buy into it as counterculture because they know of a time where this was taboo. 10 years ago, Obama came out in support of gay marriage.
It may seem like nothing will ever happen, but I am a firm believer in human nature always prevailing.

Then a wild Joe Manchin appeared.

fyi but you can be 1000x genders per second and that's the science. take them down with their own bullshit.

Probably just says, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, and don’t expect a fucking thing from me. Ugh!

Why are both parties going batshit

Trans people deserve rights

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The kikes in their dying throes lash out one last time.

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If they need a separate bill of rights than women then they aren't women

yes, the makeup caked social media whores are definitely representative of what most male dilation stations actually look like

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show flag moshe

I'd say let's invade you again but probably better if the Russians have it all this time

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So extra rights for degenerates?

Ya what would that be like, crazy

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Did everyone clap?

troons can't make babies so, for that and many other reasons, I'm out

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This is more important to them than federally codifying Rowe v Wade.

Dem strategy;
1) kill all babies before birth
2) fuck the ones who get through

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Transfems can still be "bred" >:3

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We need a fucking national divorce

No, no they literally cannot

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