Why do people

Take this 2 digit IQ cringelord pedophile seriously?

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He's the biggest political commentator of our time.


Child abuse.

He says what people want to hear and is making money off that.

why are you giving this faggot free advertising, all fields

it's only little kids with underdeveloped brains
they'll find something new and he'll die out don't worry

Why add to the faggotry by posting his name here? Fucking e-celeb, dick sucking, cunt.

Even when he's wrong about life in general?

because you can't debate him and win?

I can debate him and kick the shit out of him.

He's not dumb. He is just playing the role of "intellectual" to his audience. Pretty much a stupid persons idea of a smart person. Other example of this on the right side of things is Ben Shapiro. All these internet personalities are just shills at the end of the day.

Everyone on the right was banned from YouTube and it created a power vaccum left to the breadtubers.

Does anyone actually take him seriously though??? The guy is a meme ffs.

This basically. Vaush has literally never lost a debate to a right-winger.

The only rhetoric tools he uses are fallacies like naxalt and shit like that which we learn in high school. He's way dumber than Ben Shapiro the like which is an accomplishment. How can there be 9.7k braindead people who are willing to listen to his nonsense? I literally watched him twice and nothing of what he said had any fucking substance. He only kept repeating leftist points and then added his own personal experience on top of it to give it an additional flavour and make himself look cool. Just because you find an innovative filter through which you take all the bull crap and spew it all loud again doesnt mean that you're some sort of an intellectual. Like it's the same shit. Hitler this,Nazis did that,a woman is whoever identifies as a woman,abortion good,immigration good again and again and AGAIN ad nauseam. Ad infinitum. It makes me want to find out his location and buy a plane ticket from Romania just so that i could blow his brains and spare this world an obese moron. People shouldn't even take a lardass' opinions seriously for christsake.



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money laundering

dunno why everyone is going bananas about this guy

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He meant biggest as in physical radius.

Somewhere in this video he literally admits he knows fuck all about economics. What. The. Actual. Fuck. The video talks about capitalism and neither him nor that dumb autistic tranny know anything about supply chains,competition,work efficiency,trust etc. How can you debate economics without having a grasp over that? Are you an imbecile?

the point of a debate is to convince your audience which side is more valid,
if your audience already believes dogmatically in nuspeak nonsense then there is no need to argue with them.
cultists, that believe in dogmatic ideologies


>telling lies and not acknowledging when he’s wrong means he wins
sneed and dilate. you will never be a woman.

>muh wangs
Nigger fuck off.

You can't win a debate about something that isn't a mathematical reality with a person like this. He will twist reality however he wants in order to make something appear what it isn't. Hell i bet he could convince a bunch of autistic kids that eating shit is the new cool and start a new fad

The thumbnail looks like one of the squid game guys

You’re taking him seriously by acknowledging his existence. When I don’t respect a person I just it ignore them. Not in a snarky passive aggressive manner, I literally just put myself in a headspace where I pretend they genuinely do not exist as a living organism. My life has improved tenfold since I’ve started doing this.

Every single debate this retard had with Destiny [who himself isnt that great, he lost to Sargon pretty hard], he lost every single one of them

Would you pretend to be a commie to get money, Any Forums?

The audience is racial and sexual minorities. Not much you can do about that.

A debate is possibly the most intellectually dishonest way of reaching truth. Papers and publishings are much better but the average amerimutt can’t even read English so they resort to watching some fat pedophile blatantly lie on camera.

You live in romania and think you know jack shit about economics? Neoliberal voodoo bullshit that's been taught in capitalist countries since the 70's is not economics. It's a fucking scam.

Because he is like them: fat, stupid, dishonest and pedophilic.

>papers and publishing
Yesss, trust the (((science))).

Yes but I would make myself as ridiculous as possible. Like retard tier ridiculous

lol fag

True, because his arguments always boil down to bad faith, lies, ad hominems and motivated reasoning.

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