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>can’t remain in Mexico where they come from

Who cares this gay country is dead and ZOGGED beyond saving.

Based Sheila.

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What was exactly that "remain in mexico" thing?
Was it actually doing anything?

Let me guess the two people put in by trump voted against his plan?

I’ve stated it before, but I really don’t like neocons, Christcucks or race traitors.

nice now there will be bodies littering the streets of your communities instead. so much better

There’s already 70 million illegals in America.

Probably not, but this just confirms how traitorous the court really is or more specifically the elements placed there ironically by trump himself.

He may actually have the worst judge of character in American political history.

fuck off. Leave Sheila alone!

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>No more abortion
>More Mexicans
and suddenly I can foresee the Human Services department getting FLOODED with spic requests for free gimmies.

Like many of us have been saying, this is all theater to maintain "balance."
They can't let anyone win too much or lose to the point of hopelessness.
>keep voting, goyim!
>you matter(hahahahahaha)

Illegal invaders that were caught had to stay in the country they were trying to cross from instead of being let in by the feds and flown across the country to luxury housing paid for by taxpayers for the rest of their life.
It's easier and more profitable to just walk up to the border patrol now.

The only Trump appointed Justice who sided with the liberals was Kavanaugh. Roberts also sided with the liberals, but was appointed by Bush Jr.

They come from gautrmala
Get it right chink

I believe if you were going to claim asylum, you had to stay in the first safe country you came to (say, Mexico). You couldn’t just go all the way to the US, still claiming asylum.

Good, accelerationism is the only answer to the problem that is the united states, the faster it burns to the ground the better off the rest of the world will be.

Great, I can already barely ever even hear English being spoken any more out in public as it is.

It kinda was. On the administrative side it forced them to wait in Mexico for a court date.

Now 60% of migrants don't care and hop the fence anyway but for the 40% that wanted to do things legally they would legit wait in Mexico... Doesn't really matter tho when you have 1 million migrants coming in every year

>all kids
>section 8
>free phones
mexicans get the red carpet treatment upon arrival.

either way they don't come from here


good. those shitskins have been piling up along the border and there were even tent cities full of niggers
send their ass to gringolandia

Why did he appoint someone who is absolutely against him and everything he wants?

Did he really not talk to anyone of these people and instead just did what some kike adviser told him to do?

Distractions from this:

WTF I hate the supreme court now

>5-4 ruling
Let me guess. Roberts cucked again. Who's the other cuck?


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fucking losers roberts and kavanaugh sided with that libs. notice how the libs always stick together while the so-called conservatives don't. that's one reason libs win so much, they stick together.

and fuck george bush for appointing roberts. they guys is a fucking rino globalist

I dont know the details but seems to me this is the kind of stuff the government can decide how they want and has nothing to do with the supreme court.

>overturn abortion so millions of black babies can be forced into birth in red states where there are tons of black people
>overturn remain in Mexico so millions more of them can walk across the border on top of the millions coming in already
How can anyone call these guys based

So this why they killed all those beaners in a trailer? To use the emotional card. Knowing that they might have been backlash if they were to rule otherwise?


>it's okay when we ignore EOs
funny how that only works one way....

this is pretty much true. the borders have been opened for so long it doesn't really matter any more. i don't know where you live but here in NC the spics are everywhere. they probably outnumber blacks now and we have a lot of blacks.

Only way to solve illegal immigration is to accelerate the Florida/Texas approach of shipping them to northern blue states. It's a regional problem caused by voters who don't live in that region. For that reason alone I think it would be worthy of special consideration by the court.

Also which justice caved?

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Good. We need workers you stupid lazy chuds don’t want to work

>retards don't understand how the sc works itt

Didn't they just overturn Roe v Wade? Dipshit

I don't care to make a distinction between Mexico and south Mexico.

We litterally have open borders since Biden has taken office.

Border policy should be belt fed weapons.

Saw a post on twatter that in the written statement it kicks the ruling back to the judge who wanted to block Brandon from ending it. Not sure how true that is and maybe it’s just cope.

what was that?
>a policy from a previous administration no longer has to remain in place once a new preside is in power?
so you're saying we can now end the dream act policy from the Obama era?

is that going to be day one or day two of Trumps second term?

this is probably true. media will say it's 11 million. they have been saying that for 10 years.

i live in a state that is being flooded with spics. i am an old fag. we didn't have spics when i was growing up. now they are everywhere.

why wasn't it day one of his first term

Aw all those trumpcucks celebrating useless shit like roe v wade and the epa while ignoring the fact that SCOTUS just opened the door for the massive demographic shift which ensures democrats win from now on

Kavanaugh's generally conservative. He voted to overturn Roe and Casey, for example. However, between this and the Vaccine mandate for federal workers, he is less conservative than the other Trump appointees.

they come from all over the world, travel to mexico somehow even though they are supposedly broke and seeking asylum, and then cross over illegally where our border control has been ordered to just let them through
then we ask them what city they want to go to, fly them there, and if they are smart and pick ny or cali, which they do, they get full disability and public assistance, much more than you or I would get
and oh, by the way, our taxpayer dollars are funding the whole scheme which is just to import more democrat voters

>I signed up to fight for Israel, not defend my country!
Imagine being this artist and thinking you’re making a clever point

hey retard the border has been open for decades. only trump tried to slow it down. this anti-White demo shift is nothing new.

Wall of concrete, bayonets, and bullets.


>travel to mexico somehow even though they are supposedly broke
Because AIPAC, the DNC, and Soros pays for them

forgot to mention that they are also mostly unskilled laborers that will slave away for tptb without question. also they will get free medical coverage even if they have cancer or some other ailment when they come over the border

The new American dream is being able to make enough money to leave the country and buy property elsewhere

correct. i was being sarcastic but you are right. it's fucked up

Biden does not need to maintain remain in Mexico but Trump had to maintain daca. Only democrats can change the orders of prior presidents.

Correct me if I'm wrong...
If SCOTUS just said "fuck off" to federal agencies overstepping their bounds with "pen and phone" styled changes, could that ruling have effectively voided the need for Remain in Mexico in the first place?
What if the states can now just handle their border as they see fit?
Wait, it's a country border so it's the purview of the federal government no?

Just spitballing, can some lawanon weigh in?

throwing the leftists a bone before the shit storm. truly feel roe vs wade was just the beginning. well that and to distract from the gun control they implemented at the same time.

Mind virus is working well. They’re illegal aliens – not asylees, migrants, or immigrants

I'm in Florida. We have alot yes, but they are not 100%t the 5 foot brown mestizos I see when I come through NC. Amazing how many there are in NC in the last 10 years.

Amerisharts not only kneel to niggers, but also to beaner monkeys

Kavanaugh probably

wow i didnt even notice
i did it men
i did it

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>this just confirms how traitorous the court really is or more specifically the elements placed there ironically by trump himself.
aren't they all British agents of some sort or another?

this is a "meh" topic at best. basicaly it allows the president to control imigration policy.

Of course the executive can end an executive order. They seemed to have a problem with it when Trump tried to end DACA though.

I hate the term "undocumented immigrant" with a passion because it creates such a contrast with "illegal alien" that you can't even use the latter anymore without being told you're super duper racistismos.
Yet "undocumented immigrant" makes it sound like they moved here and just were downtrodden and couldn't find their way to paperwork.
What if they're drug traffickers and just passing through?
A drug trafficker just passing through isn't coming to live here... he's going back and forth.... so calling him an "undocumented immigrant" is literally adjusting the severity of the incident by being afraid to use the right language.

As a kid growing up in social studies and history classes, before I started noticing all the subversion, I wondered how "subverting language" could even be possible, as if people could be tricked with language like it was some sort of magic trick. I entirely get it now.

>scotus says new administration can remove old ones policy
>this is a big deal

Checked. You should play lottery or something today

yeah i work at a recreational lake two days a week. we rent boats for fishing. it's unreal how many spics come there to fish and like you said they are all short.

>Why did he appoint someone who is absolutely against him and everything he wants?
because he was totally controlled by assholes like Mitch Mcconnel