There is no such thing as a one time exception to the filibuster. It either exists or it doesn't. If the dems go through with this, we will just use the lack of a filibuster to do whatever we want when we regain control. Same concept as packing the court - these ideas only make sense if you plan to steal every election in the future. As soon as you lose one, we can reverse everything.

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People keep blaming this faggot and don't even realize that Hussein is the one who's controlling him. Onigger got a third term and the boomers are blaming the puppet.

Nigger, he not only isn’t a “tyrant”, but he’s the world’s biggest pawn.

Have you not seen any of his son’s laptop content? How many powerful groups do you think have power over him?

He is where he is for who he SERVES. Of course it’s the jews, as we all here know.

Mossad’s operation with Jeffrey and Ghislaine was/is about blackmailing influent people on sexual stuff. Who do you think controls your country? You?

Sounds alot like his student debt plan.
Lol so funny watching shitlibs get all lathered up, only to keep getting btfod by evil drumpf again and again

>when we regain control

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Macaco is right

>these ideas only make sense if you plan to steal every election in the future.

So he's going to do what they did to raise the minimum drinking age to 21? In case you don't know they stripped federal funding from states to force them to raise the minimum age to 21 South Dakota was the last hold out the federal funding was 2/3rds of their state budget

The Democrats had 50 years to codify Roe with legislation and failed. This is the political equivalent of the kid who slacks off doing his homework all weekend then begs the teacher for another day on Monday when it's due for no good reason other than he's a lazy worthless piece of shit.

Cant lose the midterms if the country devolves into balkanization

>Be Democraps
>barly have control of the government
>About to get BTFO in mid terms
>trac record so bad they probably never get in power again
>I know lets give the government more powers to overrule the legislature

This will surely not backfire.

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All the recent strains of OLD FAGGOTs in our Government being either elected to either branch OR to Federal Bureaucratic Agencies are Tyrants. They're fucking faggots and deserve to be treated that way.

thats funny your tyrant hasn't ran old women over with horses while arresting people and closing their bank accounts for honking horns.

rather mediocre tyrant to be mogged by a wimp like justo

49 percent can suck it

His attempt at doing something is going to fail harder than BBB lol

>we will change things this time
>says old man or woman that has spent 60 years in politics and nothing has changed

They have had numerous times to write real laws and have them voted on.
Instead Democrats have always played the scummiest game ever.
>Oy vey either sign this 10k page document with tons of added benefits to us or we will filibuster
ironic they think republicans filibuster.

Your facts are right but I think your reasoning is off. They kept it in limbo on purpose because they know it's a hot button issue they can rally their base behind. Both sides did this because it works for both of them. Once it becomes law, you can't rile up your base about it anymore.

Oh no no no, the US is turning into a totalitarian globohomo shithole. Which country is gonna bring them some freedom now?

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Or The American Person could, I dunno, GROW A FUCKING SPINE and liberate ourselves from Globohomo Tyranny. Would be good right about now.

I believe it was George Washington in 1786 who said: "The foundation of both our republic and democracy is the ability to obstruct the ongoings of elected bodies indefinitely by talking at length."

He stole the current election why won't the Dems steal more?
This is a big deal needs to be stopped

Always amazed me that in America they have 10,000 page bilsl where the original point of the bill is smallest part of it and you only get to review it one day before voting on it even in my shithole of a nation Parliament has the ability to vote separately on parts of a bill so this could never become a thing

>abuse the courts for decades and empower them
>scream and cry when for once they dont go your way
>rather than try and depower the court a little, try and fuck something else up because they cant do long term planning any more

Exactly this. Like the guy who was responsible for making student loan debt nondischargeable in bankruptcy was going to wipe all the debt of borrowers. You’d have to be as stupid as a Biden voter to believe that shit.

Isn't this exactly how they got into this predicament in the first place, making it easier to pass things with 50+1 votes and then Republicans made far better use of this then they ever could? This wasn't some lifetime ago either, they should all know what is about to happen.