Abortion by ethnicity

Can someone explain to me what will happen when the 3:1 abortions of black to white stop happening?

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It means 1 million more niggers, spics, and white trash per year.

This is a myth used to sell the pro-choice agenda to racist centrists.

27/1000*33000000=891000 more black people per year. Thank god we stopped those cute little babies from dying. Go team jesus!
>a myth

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so 1 million more black people per year, I wonder who they will vote for ? How much did trump lose the last election by? Hahahahahaah

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Most niggers live in states where abortion is not going anywhere. Red states would be wise to get rid of abortion and welfare programs as much as possible. The spics and niggers will flee in terror.

Total Democrat control of politics

Congrats you played yourself chuds

It was the boomers that turned on him thanks to the judahvision.

Let's settle this once and for all.
Jews in America and globohomo are one and the same. They think globally and act locally. Their plan to exterminate whites is heavily dependent on white people getting abortions to lower our population. Any collateral damage to their precious niggers is an acceptable loss because it is more than made up for by Africans pumping out 10 niglets each.
The endgame is to import the hordes of uruk-hai fresh out of the spawning pits of Africa to replace our declining population. Abortion being banned throws a wrench in this plan because now there is a higher white population in America which can sustainably grow, even if there are slightly more home grown dindus. They even come with a negative feedback mechanism that will eventually regulate their population through killing each other over what little gibs remain.
Every white life saved is worth 100s of niggers. Jews know this, Any Forums knows this, shills want you to forget this.

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Reality check

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The argument makes sense on a surface level but the truth is a lot of these black women end up popping out babies at some point or another. The experience of pregnancy can change how you view casual sex and the likelihood of allowing yourself to get pregnant again. Illegitimate births among all groups, especially blacks, skyrocketed in the wake of the sexual revolution and Roe v. Wade. A reversal to pre-1960s sexual morality won't happen overnight but it's worth fighting for and abortion is an essential component to it.

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>Most niggers live in states where abortion is not going anywhere.
Of the top 5 state with the highest per capita nigger population 3 are Red states. 7 of the top 10 are red. The states with the greatest number of Blacks is Texas at 4 million nogs and Florida at 3.9 million and Georgia at 3.5 million.

>Red states would be wise to get rid of abortion and welfare programs as much as possible. The spics and niggers will flee in terror.
This is wrong. Look where niggers live. They didn't leave even after slavery. Most of them stayed in the south living down the street from the people that used to own them. If you think the lack of abortion will cause them to leave, well then you don't understand niggers. They will just have a couple more kids and they wont care. In fact they will get more welfare because of the additional kids.

>Continue to vary

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The only statistics on abortion come the abortionists themselves.
For some reason people trust them 100% not to manipulate statistics for propaganda purposes.
Most abortions are done by college-age White women.
Ever see niggers at an abortion rally? Niggers dont get abortions, they get paid to shit out nigglets.
Wonder why there is no real RvW violence this week?
Because niggers did not show up to protest. Because niggers dont get abortions.

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>statistics are a psyop
Just admit you only care about ending abortion and save us the monologue.

>The only statistics on abortion come the abortionists themselves

So why do you believe jewish abortionists?
The highest IQ in the world in the world is supposedly China, but every one knows that China is a land of retarded inbreds. The chink government makes up fake numbers for propaganda purposes.
Why is it so hard to believe Planned Parenthood does the same?
Why are most abortion clinics in rural White areas? You can use google maps to see for yourself.

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Holy fuck you must be a woman given this amount of retardation.

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Whitewingers love them some adrenochrome and expansion of child sex rings

Jeebus does a happy dance.

nothing wrong with my math