Post your favorite food

for me it's philly cheesesteaks sandwiches

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Love these. For me it’s Ham.

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Serbian kebap (or cevapi)

Eating meat is gay and subhuman

For me it's crackling porchetta

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Anything pork. It's by far the best.

When did you start dilating?

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For me it's steak, preferably ribeye or flat iron.

I live 15 min from philly and have yet to see a cheesesteak so majestic as that. Lord knows I’m looking for one though

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that looks like a based sammmmi op


Pasta that's been slurped by Grimes mouth

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Oh damn also in the name of Serbia. Cheese Pita. I modified it the recipe so I make pita cups because it’s easier for entertaining/bringing to parties.

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Birria de Res is god tier.

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it appears to have no mayo or cheez whiz, so isn't that perfect?

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It is now seethis is why we can’t eat the bugs

I like sloppy wet beef and cheese on bread.

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Thats one ugly bitch

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It's crazy to realize how many recipes the Serbs gave to Türkiye and to the Middle East


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So true. Also no offense to the Greeks but nobody cooks a lamb like a bunch of drunken Serbs. Absolutely divine

it's ok, but how could that be your favorite

t. incel

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We know you’d rather eat other aztecs