I'm so tired of games being fille with w*ke shit

Why is it so hard for devs to not write like they are braindead twitter users?

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Stop playing this shit. Play doom eternal and halo 2 and 3

depends on the game

Plays shadiwrun and complains about woke lol.
Also isn't this game like at least 10 years old?

But I don't like shooters they are for school shooting incels I like RPGs in which I can make cute hot gay men that have gay sex with their orc brother!

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>I like RPGs in which I can make cute hot gay men that have gay sex with their orc brother!
Then why are you complaining

>I hate fag writting
>But i like being a huge fag

>so pure
>so manly
holy shit, my sides

is she a drow?

yeah yeah suuure, sure

c'mere kid

y'know in my day i used to scare off people with a lot more muscle and a lot more looks than i have. it's all really about how much balls you have, how mad you really are deep inside. and a lot of these gym goers don't have it in them, the craziness. but there is always a lot more crazier people than you out there so you better watch out when to pull out your dick and when to back the fuck out. it's like playing poker. when you see someone who is crazy, you can clearly tell that they are fucking crazy, the tattoos, the muscles don't matter, their faces, the eyes, that's what matters. is the voice shaking is what matters. and when you spot fear in someone's eyes you can go and fuck him all the way, it does not matter how bigger or physical stronger he is than you, and that's the truth

Shadowrun has been w40k for faggots since....um...the 90s? You are just somewhat retarded to have bought it.
Stop buying games. At all. If you must, pirate it. You pay them for their propaganda you know?

>At all. If you must, pirate it.
How ft you pirate on Xbox

>Invades your hobby
>Declares "Our spaces must better"
>Burns everything to the ground

I dont care about the jews or white nationalism or nazi ideology or any degree of moralism. I just want leftists to suffer. I hate them more than you can possibly know and praying they succeeded on defunding the police so they could know that hate personally

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Well there's your first problem

Lol. Xbox. Lolololol.
Some you can jailbreak but desu just don't get a Xbox. You can easily hack any other console out there. Kikebox is a little tricky. Again you played yourself bro

U r gay

>still playing western games

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Stop playing games user.
Find a /sig/ thread and help yourself.


>not consuming games in the best method possible
what's even the point then

>played this expecting SJW bullshit commie propaganda
>it's actually a commie game but very critical of ideology in general
>general theme is about failure; the MC failed, communism failed, Revachol failed... but we should keep trying :)
>overall just kino

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>You can easily hack any other console out there. Kikebox is a little tricky.
That's half the point. No script kiddies niggering up mp

Because modern devs are all brain dead twatter users

How tf you gonna connect to xboxlive that way

What mp? Fortnite? Fucking kys.

It's been infecting Japanese games too, on both the development and localization ends. And it's only going to get worse.

>What mp?
Halo. The only games worth playing