Barbara Lerner Spectre is on whose payroll? The Wallenbergs

Barbara Lerner Spectre is on whose payroll? The Wallenbergs

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Interesting find OP. I see this woman posted here a lot but not much about her connections.

>funded atom bomb research
What are your thoughts on nukes? Do you think they are actually real? Or just a bogus deterrent meant to scare others into submission?

Never forget that the entire white population in Europe allowed this. They could have done something but just took it up the ass. They didnt want to do something. One man, Breivik, did something. In the entirety of Europe, one man. Dont blame this like for European weakness and Cuckery . They'd rather fight their own.

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Norsk Hydro - founded by Marcus Wallenberg Sr., Sam Heyde and Birkeland.

Marcus Wallenberg Sr sat on the board of Norsk Hydro in 1943.

Supplied Nazis with aluminium and heavy water from Rjukan in Norway and Ljungaverken in Sweden.

Lise Meitner worked at Ljungaverken.

Wallenbergs = control Nobel Foundations. Decide who receives the prize.

Wallenbergs SKF, largest ball bearing company in the world, supplied Nazis and Allies with ball bearing, ball bearing machines, and iron ore from the mines in N Sweden.

Wallenbergs = majority owners of IG Farben. Hid the patent in Sweden and stored stolen gold in the central bank, just as they stole the Czarist gold, shipped it from Tallinn in Estonia to Stockholm and later to London and New York

"Marcus Wallenberg Sr., commonly called häradshövdingen, the circuit judge, due to his law degree, was active on many committees. He was, for instance, a Chairman of the Committee on the German Industry's encumberment, a Chairman of the Committee for the Arrangement of Germany's Natural Supplies, the arbitrator in disputes between the German government and the Repair Committee, which was responsible for the Allies' establishment of a functional infrastructure in 1925–30. He was responsible for the interpretation of the Young Plan from 1930. In 1931–34, Marcus Wallenberg Sr. was the Chairman of the Arbitration Court which dealt with short-term German credits in the establishment of the German moratorium, established in 1932 in Lausanne. In 1931, Marcus Wallenberg Sr., along with Hjalmar Schacht, was also appointed as an expert to the German government to reconstruct the German banking system in order to adapt it to the Bank of International Settlements. Marcus Wallenberg Sr. was also a delegate for the trade agreement Sweden-England 1916–18, with regard to the Russian Revolution, the Sykes-Picot agreement and the Balfour Declaration at the time."

Marcus Wallenberg Sr. sat on the Credits Arbitration Committee with Thomas H. McKittrick and Franz Urbig,[19] which solved disputes between German commercial banks. Marcus Wallenberg Sr. taught McKittrick about the complicated international finances, and was an important mentor to the American throughout his presidency of the Bank for International Settlements, teaching him to play both sides simultaneously in the war, which would guarantee the banks and business empires future existence regardless of the outcome. McKittrick wrote to Marcus Wallenberg Sr. in 1943,

During the three years I have been in Basel, your method of approaching international problems, of which I gained some understanding during our work together in Berlin, has helped me more than I can tell you in dealing with the intricate and delicate questions which have presented themselves to the Bank for International Settlements by reason of changes wrought by the war. The thought of following in your footsteps will provide spur to my will and a goal for my ambition.

—Thomas H. McKittrick, in a letter to Marcus Wallenberg Sr. in 1943

My thoughts: no nukes were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

It was used as a propaganda tool make people fear nukes, in order to be able to create the Cold War and its tension = massive government spending = boost the economy = fix debt saturation temporarily

Hirohito = Tool

Hirohito = Swedish knight of the Seraphim

That stupidity was hard to watch.

Interesting fact:

Wallenbergs Norsk Hydro worked with Escher Wyss AG on many projects. Escher was a Swiss-German company and supplied turbines inter alia to Wehrmacht.

Director of Escher was none other than Eugen Schwab, Klaus Schwab's father, who later emigrated to Brazil.

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Jacob and Marcus Wallenberg, the cousins, and the "saviour" Trump in the White House.

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Marcus Wallenberg, honorary Chairman, longest Chairman in the history of ICC International Chamber of Commerce... and Putin.

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Wallenbergs SEB managed Soros quantum funds when he speculated against the £

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"Contact between the Bushs and Wallenbergs"

George Sr was a frequent guest of the Wallenbergs (Peter Sr)

After World War II, the Wallenbergs continued as usual thanks to the support from their lawyer, later Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, and their representative in the United States, Deputy Secretary of State Robert A. Lovett. Sweden's aristocratic and military elite abandoned its historical German ties for a pro-U.S. stand, whereas the Social-Democratic government officially kept the Swedish West-leaning policy of neutrality, which enjoyed popular support. After the war Marcus Wallenberg Jr. was the "liaison" for the Swedish Chief of Defence General Nils Svedlund and senior U.S. officers. General Svedlund met U.S. State Secretary John Foster Dulles at the home of Wallenberg (Villa Täcka Udden). After the war, the Wallenberg brothers kept their liaison with the Dulles brothers (also with Allan Dulles as Director of the CIA). Similarly in the 1980s, Peter Wallenberg Sr., Marcus's son and successor as head of the Wallenberg empire, acted as a "liaison" between Sweden's Chief of Defense General Lennart Ljung and the U.S. leadership (including Henry Kissinger and George H. W. Bush.). A significant segment of the aristocratic military and industrial elite appeared as an informal network of power with its own loyalties and international ties distinct from the elected government with the ruling Social-Democratic political elite. Here we may find the historical roots of the dual state.

—Eric Wilson, The Dual State, Parapolitics, Carl Schmitt, and the National Security Complex

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Peter Jr in the Vatican

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Jacob Wallenberg & Macron

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as it was sad many times and should be repeat as much - they all work together.
orchestrated activities/ happenings are to masquerade that fact so that npc minions can say it is not true.

he was shaped and deployed by your glows and cunts like the ones in the op picture.


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Jacob Wallenberg and Jack Ma. Wallenbergs were the initial funders of Ali Baba Group. Daniel Zhang worked at Wallenbergs' Investor

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Chinese President Hu Jintao and Peter Wallenberg Sr

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By the time of the anniversary celebration in 1956, Marcus Wallenberg Jr. presided on 15 company boards and in addition had 15 other assignments. In time, he would double those and emerge as one of the most powerful and industrious industrial and banking princes a European country has ever had. In order to find Marcus "Dodde's" Wallenberg Jr's equal, one has to go back to some family head in dynasties such as Medici or Fugger.

—Roland Fagerjäll on Marcus Wallenberg JR

Marcus "Dodde" Wallenberg is the Wallenberg who receives most praise from those who knew him; people apostrophe his charm, his ingenuity, his negotiation skills and his ability to solve problems. Some want to describe him as the foremost financier of this century. But there is a terrifying dark side. He has also been described as one who played the role of an American Marine Corps sergeant, whose main task is to kill the soldiers' personalities in order to then be able to shape them as he pleases. He often launched verbal attacks on the employees. "He was hard as stone," an employee said. He ruled by instilling fear. Sven Fagerberg portrayed him as a boss, always escorted by his torpedoes. But the quality of the business leaders who passed revue in the Wallenberg sphere during Marcus Wallenberg Jr.'s time was impressive nonetheless. He also established norms in the group that will survive him for decades.

—Olof Ehrencrona, on Marcus Wallenberg Jr.

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This is important, the Nosebergs in geber are deeply connected to the big nosed chinese elite.

*in general

Jacob Wallenberg & Obama

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Power? The word has a very negative connotation. We call it responsibility.

—Peter Wallenberg Sr., Svenska Dagbladet, SvD, 1998

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v d Leyen and Jacob Wallenberg

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