The Left's embrace of ROME

What's the political consequences gonna be?

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spics and asianoids will continue to outbreed whites in the US as the parasite class continues to milk the country dry

That's pretty antisemitic, back then christians were still considered a flavour of kikery.
Still are.

It all comes down to who is willing to die more for their cause.

Flood is coming.
All of this is a distraction.

>Satan will be revealed with his fallen angels.

I straight up don't get how this guy hasn't been banned yet
Even in liberal looneyland he's one of the most mentally unstable faggots i've seen

A single post doesn't prove anything and can be fake and can be used to forge a false consensus. This is a shill thread.

The absolute irony here is he has no idea how based and anti Semitic he was being.

Rome gave birth to the dominance of Christianity. what a dumbshit.

what will they think when they learn how Rome felt about Jews?

They will all fall for the great delusion, they will all worship the antichrist, take his mark and try to murder every Christian, and then they will all get what they deserve.

I'm guessing they don't know about how the Romans massacred the Jews on multiple occasions.

Rome also converted itself into a Christian white ethnostate for several centuries

So enjoy, leftist mongrels


Romans killed Christians, Jews, Africans and just about everyone else
And fuck pussy abortion, they used to just leave our babies out in the woods (but they still aborted them too)
Romans were based

I'm all for bringing back Rome

Read just the 30 first pages, ignorant burgers.

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Lowkey based

>hate religion

oh my oh my what a surprise

Nobody tell him the reason was because christians were subversive jews.

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Fucking (((Romans)))

Religion is the beast, the system created by the devil to fool men. The Holy Bible is what men should follow, not the catholic/protestant religions. Seek the truth of God man