Are they the most ancient people in the balkans ?

Are they the most ancient people in the balkans ?

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We Illyrians are.

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i never gave af until a few years back about this place, i just thought it's a small country and they're prolly some small ethnic minority in the balkans
but when i saw their history, that they are actually bulgarians who created a new identity ~100 years ago, i was mind blown something like this exists on earth

I always thought they were to greece what ukraine is to russia

No, its Bulgarians actually

They also hate Bulgaria with a steaming passion of a hundred screaming sumo wrestlers. It ruines their larp and reminds them that their entire history and country was made up bullshit by commies.

Alexander the Great was a North Macedonian and anyone who disagrees is coping

Bulg aryans above all

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He was but they sure as hell ain't Macedonians. xD

it wasn't even made by commies. moldovans were created by commies.
but macdeonian identity was engineered by their political elites and intellectuals a few decades before communism.

I see. Honestly I have no real idea what they are because we are taught here that they are larping Bulgarians in schools. At least we used to be, now there is some gay push to rewrite history books here.

Arent they some turkic altaic steppe people



Welcome to Balkans. Though nothing tops the Albos larp of being a acient Balkan tribe despit having no impact on history.

It was what you get when you mix Huns, Thracians and Slavs. The myth that they were Turks is not true, Ancient Bulgars close to Iranians genetically.

I don't think they see themselves as descendants of ancient Macedonians, but a Slavic tribe, separate from Bulgarians and Serbs, who settled the historical Macedonia region. But anyways they're probably the best people out of all ex-yugos.

Kek is oldest of all.

Serbs and Croats

He said, people. Not Gods.

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Ἕλληναι μπορούσαν νὰ ἡγοῦνται οἰκουμένης. Ὁ Ἀλέξανδρος τὸ κατάφερε. Ἡγήθηκε ἑνός στρατοῦ ἕως Ἰνδίας. Δὲν ἀπέμεινε τίποτα διὰ κατάκτησιν· Ὁ κόσμος ἤταν δικὸς τοῦ. Ἀλέξανδρος ὅμως απεβίωσε. Ἡ αὐτοκρατορία ἐχάθη. Ἐτσι, εὐρισκώμεθα εἰς σκοτειναὶ ἡμέραι. Ἐλεύθεροι ἄνδρες τῆς Ἑλλάδος μάχονται μεταξύ τῶν, ἀντὶ πραγματικὼν ἐχθρὼν: αὐτὼν ζηλευόντων τῶν Ἑλλήνων. Ὁ Ἀλέξανδρος λυπάται, ἐάν οἱ νεκροὶ λυποῦνται. Λυπηθὼ ἐγὼ ἀντὶ αυτοῦ, ἐπίσης ὅμως θὰ ἐλπίζω. Ὁ κόσμος στρέφει· Ὅ,τι ἤταν, ἴσως εἶναι πάλι. Οἱ μοῖρες ἀκόμη ὺφαίνουν νῆμα, διὰ τῆς ζωὴς ἀνδρὼν. Ἐνδεχομένως, οἱ θεοὶ ἐπιθυμοὺν Ἕλληνας γίγαντες πάλι. Ἐνδεχομένως, ἕνας νέος Ἀλέξανδρος αναλάβει τῆν σπάθη, φέρει τάξι ὅπου ὑπάρχει χάος, διαμορφώσει κόσμο ἀνδρὼν εἰς ἕνα καλλίτερο μέρος… ἐνδεχομένως.

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kek albos actually have their own language, which proves much more about their origin and source rhan your brown slavic shithole with 50k turkish loanwords

Fuck Serbia

>which proves much more about their origin
Yet no one accepts this xept albo """""""scientists"""""""
>50k turkish loanwords
4k which is like less then 3% of all Serbian and you have more loan words then us, kek.

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Albanians might not that much of a history, and Skanderbeg was Serbian, but Albanians are most likely the descendants Illyrians and are together with Greeks the not ones who has a real history in the Balkans.
The Slavs have only been there for about 1500 years.

>Albos logging in from their apartment in Hamburg

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