Goverment takes citezens freedom away with mandatory vaccines

>goverment takes citezens freedom away with mandatory vaccines
>the right : "those damn leftists
>the left : " ahaha take it, rightoids
citezens lose freedom by losing the right to abortion
> the left blame the right
> the right is happy from losing freedom
>the goverment wants to ban guns...
Why are people this retarded?

Attached: npc.jpg (960x1000, 135.58K)

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inb4 1pbtid inb4 abortion is satanic

Your image doesn't make sense. The thing that observes the double slit expiromental are artificial sensors and computers. It's not a person looking at it with their eyeballs.

npcs less aware than cameras?

>the right is happy from losing freedom
The federal government had no business forcing states to legalize abortion. The justices fixed that. Don't live in a state that bans abortion if you want to kill unborn children that badly.

Excuuse me what? It wasn't the government who took my rights, it was Anthony the doctor, it was Nichole the police officer, it was Joanne the DMV worker and Grace from the liquor mart.

I will never forget each and every face to told me some variant of "it's the rules", "standard procedure", "policies and precautions".

They aren't government, they're HUMANS who shit and bleed and piss and fart. They can be... reasoned with.

>right to abortion
its a right to kill an innocent human being?

those people did what the goverment told them to do in order to feed their families. fuck them, they are guilty too, but not as guilty as the goverment.

Oh yeah? What kind of computer did Thomas Young use in 1802?

Attached: Single_slit_double_slit.jpg (432x372, 24.64K)

That's not the double slit expiroment.

Im not going to debate you on this, I agree with some points on both sides. but my opinion does not matter. please define human being.

The right cares about god given rights you fucktard. The left cares about the right to kill babies, no equivalency.

You have a very low I.Q

positive rights don't exist because you have to take someone else's rights away to achieve them bud

the murderer with gun can kill more innocent babies than the one without. sometimes woman was raped, the children will be born dead and woman will die while giving birth. so in this case you are killing innocent person too.

Go watch Bell work

Oh yes, you won with this argument, what a genius. the goverment totally not uses d&c to make you hate your neighbour.

Abortion is murder.

>comparing forcing an experimental vaccine into a person, that does not stop spread nor infection to others, so is solely a personal choice for oneself to actually murdering a baby

Yeah. Not gonna make it.

Attached: PRIDE 2022.png (718x655, 943.64K)

>goverment takes citezens freedom away with mandatory vaccines
Yes, the government and all who voted for them deserve bullets to the head.
>citezens lose freedom by losing the right to abortion
>the right is happy from losing freedom
The right believes they are preserving the life and therefore the freedom of the baby. They are internally consistent.


Alot of very smart people worked on this question, turned out the duality was proven expermientaly

Yes it is. It's one slit vs two. Can you read?

You assume those that support gun rights support murderers. That is either horrible bait or you are brainwashed. You seriously think more babies die from gun shot wounds than abortion. If you fags were shooting babies in Poland it is good your guns were taken away, I have no clue what your gin laws are as I couldn't care less about your country.

If anyone takes the vaccine same shall drink the wine of wrath of god (red blood cells) poured without mixture into the cup of his indignation ( heart) aka heart attacks. It turns out you get what you deserve. the bragging and pressuring needs to stop or that heart is gonna explode