Good news Any Forums

good news Any Forums
says here that racists are doing god's work.
fuck kikes
fuck niggers
fuck chinks
fuck spics
fuck jannie

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lmao satan is a nigger.

Satanism is just going against natural law, of course racism in un satanic because being racist aka knowing about the differences of other races (sub species more accurately) and doing what’s best for your own is literally genetic coding in all living things and following your instincts is normal and natural thus unsatanic, statism is the unnatural and dysgenic forces

ok cletus

Jesus/Satan are all Jewish inventions.

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>everyone must agree racism is bad

Fuck niggers, Christ is king.

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If satanism is an individualist religion, then why do they care if someone is racist? “Do as thou will be the whole of the law” and all that.

>I hate Star Wars so much I’m going to worship Darth Vader!
They need to grow up.
>inb4 “It’s a politic group!”
It dances the line, on purpose.

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Desert religions

Worse than that. He's a literal lolbert.

LMAO at those edgy kids these days.
>I'm antifa, fuck everything!
>...unless they're "poc", jewish or other bullshit my overlord tell me to protect
>fuck your god, all hail to satan, and...!
>shit, did I say hail? I sounded like a Nazi, I can't be racist
If you want to be pussies, then just say you're one and call it a day.

Darth Vader did nothing wrong.

Christ is real, and he is good.

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>Any Forumsfags are too stupid and conceited to realize racism these days is often used to keep the serfs in line by focusing their hate on an external target so they don't sit down and realize their social betters are fucking them over much harder.

Christ himself was racist toward caananite trash

And pharisee edomites

protip: "Anton LaVey" was a Jew

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amen brother
christ is king

many real hardcore satanists will disagree but that's because church of satan is a jewish organization for edgy atheists

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Imagine going to hell and getting kicked out for bring racist

Get out of hell free card

Jews hate Christ

>real hardcore satanists will disagree
>church of satan is a jewish
Satan is literally a jewish lawyer in the OT
Why would a genuine European pagan worship a hebrew demon?
It's almost as if they're larping edgelord faggots

Nogged when he should have nigged.

But seriously, why did the manlet cop wait for backup before doing what needed to be done from frame 1?


Sorry Feds, hating niggers is a religious practice and criminalizing hate speech breaks separation of church and state.

>Hail Lucifer

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>Why would a genuine European pagan worship a hebrew demon?
it is ironic, but they do it for the reason jews do it - for material power. double irony is that just living your life as an upstanding christian will lead to much better results in every category in life, but these people often come from broken backgrounds whereas christians carry on a tradition that kept them in tune with god and thus happiness and fulfillment were much more available and achievable

modern Any Forums is way to stupid to realize this and what it implies