Why are leftists so gullible to believe everything they read on the internet?

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Shills like OP are running scared. Soon you will get what you fucking deserve.

There’s no way for him to lunge for the steering wheel since the drivers cab of the presidential limo is sealed off from the main cabin completely.

hehehe…look at this angry little yellow boy

lol found the uneducated white trash leftie

he used the presidental hammer to break through the glass and cave the skull in of the driver.

No refunds.

normies still think there is a difference between republican and democrat
this is all a show intended to distract and divide you
lol, kek even

Remember back in 2016 during the election when they had all those women accusing him of sexual assault, and then he was elected and you never heard from them again.

Yep, called it. That Asian verbal IQ gives it away every time

Bernie? Thanks for reminding everyone.

Remember that time they swore there was a Russian piss tape and then the Mueller report found that to be fake news?

Remember the Mueller report nothing burger in general? Lmao

Fuck faggots, jews, and shills

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Remember when they said Trump spent all day watching the “gorilla channel” and though the gorillas could hear him through the TV? This was taken seriously by many MANY blue checks back in 2017.

Clarence Thomas is right that NYT v Sullivan needs to be readdressed

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>calling other people gullible
>posting a tweet
rightards truly are monkeys

Does anyone actually believe this outrageous bullshit or is it "Ho-hum, anything's possible with this orange maniac. Even if it didn't happen, it should have happened." as usual?

I love playing on the Dems terms, very cool GOP! I look forward to them absolutely squandering any red wave that may happen these midterms.

It took 10 large men to hold him back. "I'VE... GOTTA... SAVE... THE COUNTRY YY!!!!"

Demonrat Disinfo... is there any other kind?

Yes let's start gatekeeping which Whites are allowed to defend Whites. Worked so well in the past. As they unite all races and kinds against us. Sorta how we got here.

Whos going to call them as witnesses? Cheney? That isn't how show trials work.

Leftists are not gullible you are. Leftists know these 'official lies' are 100% garbage, but for the cause they springboard the lies and amplify the lies . all Leftists are liars, eager to join in and help the cause with their own lies too.

Their existence literally depends on lies

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>Leftists are not gullible