Libertarianism is stupid

Tell me why I cant prostitute underage girls as an adult male, acording to libertarians, as long as the parents of the girls accept I prostitute them and the girls are ok with it, and there's not danger of physical and psychological harm.

Again, libertarian retards, tell me why the goverment should make this illegal?

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 6.92K)

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Shouldn't the concept of "underage" not exist according to libertarians?

Again, if there's not trickery of the girls bieng tricked or lied, and they agreed, and both of her parents also agree.

Why it should be illegal to record 8-10 year old girls masturbating to a camera alone in their room?

I mean, I'm not a libertarian but I'd say children cannot fully understand the consequences of their actions so any such decision would in most cases be due to outside influence and pressure, you already have immature 13 yo doing this and look at the widespread result, so by analogy, allowing even younger kids to act in that way would be absolutely catastrophic

this is why I mentioned their parents being ok with this.

The only way I could see that work is if any damages from reputation loss and trouble integrating is covered by said parents, but again that's stretching it

libertarians would agree with you

parents should have enough developed brains from knowing the consequences of doing that.

Again, I could target very liberal but also poor families that are ok with female sexual liberation and women being whores.

Molestation creates abominations and criminals, thus it violates the NAP.

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Libertarianism is stupid for the same reason that communism is stupid. It assumes a nonexistent utopia, where people aren’t fucking terrible, evil, and stupid

It only works in a fucking fantasy world that doesn’t exist

I used to be a libertarian, and I grew up as reality set in

A fully libertarian Society would collapse under the weight of absolute morons, degenerate scumbags, and abject evil


Again, read again.

that there's proven risk of the girls not being physically nor psychologically harmed.

Something as easy as them masturbating to camera alone in their rooms.

What are you even talking about? read some Rothbard, libertarians are perfectly okay with fucking children and even abandoning them to die in the elements.

I mean that's a pretty fucking stupid question.
The girl is an individual=NAP applies to her
End of discussion.
I'm not even an extreme libertarian.

It's weird that prostitution of adults is illegal here, only self-prostitution isn't. I think the modern neoliberals are very selective and inconsistent in applying their ideology onto us.

It's a meme example.

but libertarians should be ok such situation shouldn't be ilegal.

>and there's not danger of physical and psychological harm
Why can't I have a unicorn

masturbation has not psicological damage to kids.

Didn't notice
>as long as the parents of the girls accept I prostitute them and the girls are ok with it
>and the girls are ok with it
This doesn't apply to underage girls. It's only people 12+ that can actually give consent for shit, because 12< biologically aren't able to give consent due to their behaviour not being developed enough for such concepts.
Everything 12+ is up for debate.

Attached: Piaget stages of development.png (1333x1000, 40.64K)

Basically this.

Mah nigga you are from colombia.

that's why I mentioned their parents, retard.

fine, change the question to videos of 8-10 year old girls alone masturbating to camera.

It's jewish, In fact the entire idea of liberty is jewish in the first place.Liberty always leads to decadence and degeneracy. Liberty is abhorrent and should be done away with

I think the issue is that you think all libertarians are the same, but like most ideologies, there's various ways lines are interpreted.

This assumes you're talking about NAP, many libertarians do not follow this particular libertarian philosophy.

What is your political affiliation now if i may ask?

>fine, change the question to videos of 8-10 year old girls alone masturbating to camera.
Why do you think that a child who isn't biologically able to give consent would be able to give consent to upload herself masturbating to a bunch of strangers?

why do you think I mentioned their parents giving writen permission of me doing that?

can't you read?

>that there's proven risk of the girls not being physically nor psychologically harmed.
Link the study, please Senor Escobar.

most kids start masturbating around age 10-11.