Imagine you travel back in time to 1940, you appear in the same location you are right now. You have your smartphone...

Imagine you travel back in time to 1940, you appear in the same location you are right now. You have your smartphone, wallet and keys in your pocket, thats all.
How would you succeed in helping Hitler to win the war?
Also, what would the political implications be?
I guess my best chance would be to try to reach Franco somehow and convince him that I come from the future showing him the items I got from the future. Then get him to tell Hitler about me in order to make an alliance. Many things could go wrong though, it's quite spooky.
Are there any good books about this? I'd read that.

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just shut up. how about that plan?

History is repeating.

Weimar Germany history lesson:


I was Hitler in my past life, so the situation you are describing would result either in double Hitler or a paradox.

Biff Tannen already went back in time and won everything

>Imagine you travel back in time to 1940, you appear in the same location you are right now.
i die from suffocation due to being trapped under earth that has yet to be excavated.

Start here and scroll

Tell him where the largest deposit of uranium in germany is. How to centrifuge it and create a nuclear reaction with it.
Tell him about Japan's planned attack on pearl harbor. Tell him to supply Ireland with weapons to distract Britain. Show the world what will become of America and Germany and Britain if the Jew wins.

>Tell him about Japan's planned attack on pearl harbor
What would be the outcome of this?

Well alright then you safely appear in the nearest safest place.
And nobody sees you appear.

How would you contact him though? you're american you have it hard, it's 1940.
You can't just fly to Germany and ask to see Hitler.

just tell hitler to not invade russia and make sure *scientists* did not make it to usa to make a nuke
oh,yeah. Drop a note to japan that pearl harbor is a trap

fuck franco

Immediately head to German embassy. Tell ambassador about Los Alamos national lab and the relevant scientists like Oppenheimer and Feynman, etc that are involved. I'd tell him that the build up of forces at the narrow part of the channel are inflatable decoys and the real invasion will be at Normandy on June 6th so be ready. Also, don't open the Eastern front until after you've gotten unconditional surrender from Britain and wait until summer for a land invasion of Moscow.

Due to the movement of the solar system around the centre of the galaxy and the galaxy around in space. I would probably die fairly quickly in the vacuum of space if I appeared in the exact location I am right now.

Why is everyone always somebody important in a past life? You know I was? I was probably Serf #13276. I fucked chickens and ate shit.

How are you going to talk to Hitler? do you even speak German?


Id probably get shot for being in some white mans kitchen

I'd give his scientists my smartphone.

no, the elderly failure of his future self gave his young self the Sports Almanac and told him to bet on the games

Thankfully I have saved gigabytes of evidence of the future should Hitler lose.

Its tell the amount of uranium needed to reach critical mass as well as how to build it

You'd appear in the same spot on Earth. Taking into account all that shit.

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I was Serf #67231 and i ate chickens and fucked shit. That’s wild man

Uh oh.
Imagine if you helped Hitler win the war, he'd make you king of Africa.

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>helping Hitler
By telling Japan to build more balloons and attach more interesting payloads.

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good thing it's got a solar panel case/charger on it
well first thing I'd do is get rich via reverese engineered tech. then I'd diseeminate my Any Forums folders to printing presses

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>drop a note to Japan that Pearl Harbor is a trap
A Japanese pilot figured this out but got shot down by his own men on his way back to the mainland to warn the emperor
Good luck

>just tell hitler to not invade russia
That was pre-emptive, if he waited russia would have invaded fully prepared and all of Europe would have fallen to communism

>Imagine you travel back in time to 1940, you appear in the same location you are right now.
I spawn twenty floors up in the air and fall to my death

And tell him that some Jew woman invented it.

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Do you know where the deposit of uranium is located? And do you know how to accurately tell him how to centrifuge the u238 from the u235?