Do you believe in interracial relationships?

>Conservative page

Let twitter know what you think, lads.

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Race yes.
Species no.

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this question is retarded. Why not just ask if we believe in race?

post link

An American shorthair lesbian who mated with a black descendant of white male sociopath slavemasters has boasted on TikTok comments that her shorthair mulatto daughter has had an endocrine hormone test and is now identifying as male. The tests, she said, establish that the daughter has no female puberty hormones and is loaded with only testosterone! Race mixing often produces mismatches of bone structures (upper/ lower jaw) (head size) and hormonal systems. Africans tend to have higher testosterone. Without chemical medicines to induce female puberty, the mullato daughter may be permanently sterile. And the lesbian mother expressed pride that her daughter may be choosing to become a "trans man". So, this lesbian single mother and her daughter has paid the toll of "coalburning" by producing a Darwinian failure that will possibly be entirely infertile.

jfc the perfect encapsulation of american conservatism

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Oh wow,sick

Race is a product description in traditional Islamic slave auctions. "White" women always sold for the highest prices in islamic auctions until White Supremacists abolished holy anti-racist Islamic slavery. White Supremacists President Thomas Jefferson built the US Navy specifically to bomb Tripoli to free the white slaves. French White Supremacists attacked and colonized Algiers to abolish the islamoc state and its white and black slavery.

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Relationships yes, marriage no.

Abolish marriage as a legal concept.

US science indicates that, even apart from the sociopathy reflected in higher murder and violent crimerates, US Blacks (25% descended from white male sociopath slavemasters) have higher rates of "mental illness". The black who drove vehicle to kill whites in Christmas Parade has set up a criminal defense of "insanity" (incapable of knowing right from wrong). Darwin also remarked that "Hybrids" tend to be more violent than purebreds. So, objectively, whites interbreeding with blacks is a very risky and problematic activity that causes many societal problems.

Whites and Asians is NOT racemixing

so true

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Of course it is.

Asians do not have RH- blood. This is only prevalent in Cro-Magnon. Why does an RH- blooded mother reject her RH+ offspring while in the womb?

We were never meant to mix because we are different species.

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Yes, it exists

Seriously, why word it so badly? Why not approve or condone?

Yeah, I am not sure. Conservatives these days are brain-dead. I noticed that I said "relationships" instead of "marriage" on here, but whatever, same difference.

After reading a bit, apparently the reason why he worded it this way is that he was trying to prove that Conservatives aren't racist and homophobic. So this should be a great hit to his little theory.

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Why would you allow relationships and not marriage?

Abolish it altogether. It's unnatural.

I saw that comment, kek.

Some conservatives need to take a step back and ask themselves what it is they conserve in the first place. It's just a psyop.

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i have a latina gf but i disagree with it

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That shit is cringe
This girl should be shackled and thrown into a prison cell

Literal untermensch.

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