Isn't overturning Roe v Wade Nazi/Taliban/Maiden's tale? Where are the strong wxmxn fighting to prevent this? Where are the revolutionaries? The girl power??

Attached: Cheerleaders get btfo.webm (576x1022, 2.25M)

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Women’s primary prerogative is appearing socially accepted. If the majority of a society agrees with something, then so do women.

I will kamikaze on the shitheads who made them cry.
have sex incel

It’s an instinctive survival reaction as women are unable to solve social disputes with violence.

Russia is too busy eating shit to fund them.
China is too busy keeping Russia afloat to fund them.
Therefore no riots

Soros and his friends aren't gonna fund the unrest, because the decision means more minorities which is a win for them already

I’m married

This. They couldn't get the niggers on board to help with the riots, so it's game over. That and the fact the biggest protests happened in states where abortion is still legal. Fucking tards were out protesting for nothing

This is why media is so powerful. They create the illusion of a majority opinion until all women "believe" it and then 25% of men "believe" it to get laid.

You will never have an abortion

need a cop to kneel on a pregnant black woman who was raped by a middle school lacrosse team and is having quintuplet white babies and needs to abort them but the police man wont let her so he kneels on her stomach and kills the babies and the woman and its all caught on camera while the cop laughs at lunges at a secret service agent

Yes, it’s a very simple understanding of woman’s anthropology and psychology. I don’t even blame women anymore. They just operate differently then men. They can’t fight so they have other weapons and defenses. Just like you can bait a man into a fight with you, you can bait women in different ways.



That's literally it. If all of a sudden they had commercials with some interracial couple with a message about "abortion bad" and Democrats telling them celibacy is good, they'd flipflop overnight. They literally don't have their own opinions. They had to have some Jewish whores demanding abortion and ability to work and then women decided they want to work for their boss instead of their loving husband.

Tldr women are retarded

I hate attractive women.

They are putting abortion on the ballot in CA.
CA voted no to gay marriage
They might be seeing up a self own

The Italian is correct

because the actual majority of (sane) women cannot fathom killing their children, ie going against their biological imperative

Because we've reached terminal happenening. This ride will only become more turbulent. Hell I'm already tired of Roe and Casey and that shit was great. Isn't it time for the next big crisis? I'm getting bored...

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It's white women, nuMales, and trannies. Nothing is going to happen.

Good of you to be willing to die to protect the honor of whores murdering babies in a country you don't live in. Very manly. I salute you for your forward thinking.
There are women who need to be protected from rape and death in your own country. Maybe start there, and work your way across?

It's the ultimate societal shit test. Effeminate men believe in the new "utopia" wymyn will create, whilst everyone else that knows economics automatically know how everything would play out. We knew everything that'd happen if a central bank were implemented, and we were 100% right. We were shouted down.

Women with strong opinions were killed. They are rare. Genetically women without strong convictions would breed more.. but in the same thread so would men with strong convictions and then those daughters would be half their father so they are still out there and you can find them. I was lucky enough to get one for myself so I believe in you guys.

Riots are for when Republicans are in charge. When it's Democrats they grumble and double down on making sure they hold every bureaucratic position so that they can control the outcome of the next thing through unelected mechanisms. Do you think they will ever let another "Nazi" like Trump win an election?

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Women can’t riot without men leading them. In this case, the only men protesting roe are basedboys and they’re even worse than women at rioting. They’ll just cry until they remember they all live in blue states.

oh cyrano le chevalier blanc, calme tes couilles, elles couchent déjà avec Mehmed et Mamadou, y'a pas le temps pour toi.

You'll be killed soon.
But meanwhile...yea I'm sure we're just gonna make that change in a vacuum.
>restrictive covenants
>curfews MUH sundown towns are back
>affirmative action
>brown vs board
>the welfare state

Everyone is gay now. Haven't you heard, OP?

I just found out that my mother worked only as a stacy cheerleader and my father was a beta engineer when he met her.

She basically only married my dad for his money.

Attached: 1kinni[1].jpg (600x596, 165.26K)

You will not divide us.
Fuck China, Russia and Israel
God Bless America

niggers dont care about abortions
male niggers dont pay for white roasties abortions anyways and theyre still gonna cum all over and in them with or without RGBs blessing

They deny in public but they secretly want to stop being whores and to find husbands and love stable lives with children. Jewish propaganda doesn’t eat through biology itself.

I think somewhere along the lines, maybe in the 40s and 50s they realized women were much easier to market too and much better consumers then men. Then with the explosion of medical and psychological information in the 60s-present day you’ve got this manipulation of society through woman’s psychology. Women control the social dynamics and conversations. They host the dinner parties and spread the gossip. If women “believe” something then you can get the society to believe it or at the very least talk about it. We just need media reform and it’s happening with the rise of podcasts and independent journalism etc etc

Could be worse user, in 20 years children will find out their mother’s onlyfans content on the internet.

Foids are simply too lazy due to life on tutorial mode. They refuse to work for anything in their lives unless forced to do so.

People say men are naturally more violent; part of that may be true (testosterone), but more likely it's just because women are accustomed to men doing violence for them, and are averse to doing the dirty work themselves. If women could order or pay men to kill people, they'd probably do it more often than men, knowing how vindictive and spiteful women can be.