Wtf?!? Wasn’t Veneto based? They are basically a new mini-California

Wtf?!? Wasn’t Veneto based? They are basically a new mini-California.

>mayor of Verona wants to make the city the capital of transgenderism

>the president of Veneto, Zaia, says tranny are females

>back in the days Zaia wanted to open a public-funded clinic for sex reassignment

From my experience the majority of girls from Veneto are degenerates on par with liberal girls. Veneto is embracing Globohomo. Based my ass! Some user from Veneto can explain us what’s going on?

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>mayor of Verona wants to make the city the capital of transgenderism

Sicilian Caliphs, rejoice the decadence of the Northern Trannies

It really is sad. Boomers just care that the system stays up until they are dead so that they can get their retirement money from the state and leech on the welfare system. Youngsters are pozzed into copying liberal US retardation because “we are so bigoted and years backward”.

>Zaia, says tranny are females
The logic consequence of the nulega being taken over by Salvinistein and his judeopositive clique.

It's crazy how boomerism is a worldwide disease

Isn't Italy the center of Catholicism and muzzies coming up from North Africa?
Shouldn't those guys hate homos?

I don’t know about US, but boomers designed, literally, designed, out system to their advantage. With the old retirement scheme they’ll pocket way more money than they contributed to the public funds (like, contribute 100 get 250). Also, the majority of refugees were imported under the premise of “they’ll pay our pensions”.

its just demoralization that, in the long run, amounts to nothing
stay strong brother

title previously held by

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Because Zaia is the lesser evil. And this says it all. And boomers are retarded and drink whatever kool aid is handed to them only to cry later that they were tricked into drinking it.

Spot the non-Itlaians.

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*caga sulla chiesa*

Hi Argie. Drop the memeflag.


Perchè, quando finirà? Dovremmo risolvere la questione dei PDofili

Just kill me now.

You raise a fair point but you're overlooking the main issue. Let me explain it to you: argaytina is a piece of nigger shit useless country and niggertinian "people" are the most despicable, subhuman and useless shitblooded browngoloids on the surface of Earth. Argaytinians are walking anthropomorphic mountains of shit whose cadavres aren't even useful as manure and browngentina is a giant radioactive scat dungeon that should be nuked and glassed, repeating the operation one million times until nothing remains on its place for at least one million eons. A virus that targets only niggertinian hominids should be created to assure the extermination of every single argaytinian piece of turd subhuman roaming out there until nothing of this giant latrine remains on the record of history. The argaytinian flag looks like the trans flag because this is a country of useless dick crippled subhumans whose blood shouldn't even touch the Earth as it would contaminate it and ruin it forever. A vaporizing weapon would be the best kind of thing to use against the argaytinian cockroaches to fully delete them from this plane. Fuck you, fuck me and fuck thid nigger piece of shit useless shithole country and fuck every single niggertinian ape, their dead parents and ancestors, their raped sisters, their killed mothers and every other humanoid trash they call family

>youngsters are pozzed
Dioboia quanto li odio, la scuola andrebbe pulita dalla merda sessantottina (fisica e metafisica)

Madonna subumana che pratica il pissing con frati francescani nel giorno della Pentecoste

I heard north italians are the cucked ones who want to emulate northern european/american faggotry. I saw the same thing in the wealthy parts of mexico city on vscationt, pro tranny and faggot shit everywhere.

gesù è cacca lol

The damage is irreversible. Older generations of teachers indoctrinated the current one.

Ma che cazzo te ne frega.

don't care anymore, not my problem, let it all burn, hope more based moroccans start raping and killing that worthless cattle and don't stop at threats

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