These are the people calling the lgbt groomers

This is Republican Senator John Rose from Tennessee, his wife, and their two children. He’s 57 now, but they met when he was mentoring her as a high school student when he was 39 and she was 15.

Attached: A34015BE-7E65-4561-B24D-17450C64C4A7.jpg (739x1080, 73.16K)

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>I-is that a 15 year old?
>without amputated breasts!?!

Attached: 1649777126292.png (628x563, 159.59K)

Lucky bastard

Kind of weird, but if he kept his hands to himself until she was older then it's not really a problem

What seems to the problem, officer?

Adult men fucking little boys is satanic evil
Marriage and children are righteous and good
He saved her from being a roastie wine aunt and an eventual suicide

>be 42 year old guy
>marry 18-20 year old
Sounds perfect and it's been going forward for the last 2 years as I get my shit together now that I'm 30 and build myself a nice little business and investment operation over the next decade so that she doesn't have to work and can instead give birth to the 10 babies I'm going to be putting in her.

*it's been my strategy

Undeniably based

would prefer someone made a family with her than convincing her shes a boy and cutting her tits off

>years younger than him
>happy looking family
>red state
well consider me jealous

Are leftoids ok?

The Bible doesn't work the way you want it to work, sodomite. And it doesn't have to cater to your "logic" either.

They met when she younger than she is now? That's how you he's a pedo. Why would an adult be meeting children to mentor them other than because he wants to fuck children? Altruism obviously doesn't exist, so it must be something deeper.

>you can groom my children aslong as you wait till they are 18

Yea notice how none of them tell you what you're supposed to be doing instead.

>had kids
Where's the hypocrisy, faggot?


No, they are absolutely not.

Love is love you bigot

Her body, her choice

So she's in her fucking 30s? Are you telling me I should be mad because his wife is aging well?



>grooming pure virgins into traditional loving wives is the same as cutting 10 year olds cocks off and teaching them to be abhorrently gay

>she’s not old enough to marry
>xir can chop its dick off at 10 years old you bigot!

Did he actually though? Because there's a big difference between knowing someone for a long time and actively trying to mould them into a sweetheart from the ground-up
Actually, looking them up I can't find any reference to them having met before she was 17, and nothing about him mentoring her during high school. The only connection between them before that is a tennuous link via a Future Farmers of America association, but with nothing to suggest they were ever even in the same room


Normal heterosexuality is not grooming and where are they calling groomers groomers?
Meeting someone isn’t illegal is it?
You can’t groom children, pedo. Tough luck, no amount if mentally ill contortions make it right. Kys. As Jesus told you to do in the bible.
>it would be better for a groomer to tie a mill stone around his neck snd cast himself in a river than to groom kiddies
>them dorty fucking nonces

being groomed into becoming a housewife is a good thing, kikel

Seems like a wholesome and happy family. What’s the issue here, that the kids aren’t being taught about anal sex or taken to tranny bars?

Attached: 5256A401-EBFE-492A-B46A-C2E1A521CC39.jpg (2285x1542, 626.35K)

What a king. I hope his son does the same, so in the future it's another John Tyler situation.

That is a big age difference but as long as she was willing and aged a few years from 15 before marriage, it seems fine.

The difference is the word willing, he didn't start to drug and rape her at 2 years old while trying to brainwash her for years during her growth keeping her chained in a hidden room for the others to rape, only taking her out to parade her as a trophy at public "pride" scat orgies then giving her to a trafficking operation to be murdered for her organs and/or snuff films if she couldn't be used to mule drugs, prostitute or lure other kids.

So he groomed her into... Having a nice family?

Wish I was him

Fucking sweet as hell. I met my wife when she was 18 and I was 32.