NATO can now completely block off 1 million russians and starve them to death. How will Russia respond to this threat...

NATO can now completely block off 1 million russians and starve them to death. How will Russia respond to this threat? Is it even worth holing this exclave?

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Kitty Hawk collided with K-314 and Ivan never retaliated.

Kalingrad oblast is the biggest shithole in Europe.

>kitty hawk
nigger what does WW2 have to do with this?

They don't have access via the Baltic sea?


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Lies& Bullshit

Supercarrier CV-63 Kitty Hawk in 1984.

russia has currently blocked off ukraine from sea access

Russia nukes Lithuania

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Why don't they just grow their own food?
Or fish?

By bombing shitluania into oblivion. You wouldn t die for them would you natootroons?

>fucking north Macedonia
Not quite sure bro

and then

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Russia takes Lithuania by proxy via Belarus.

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It’s kyiv

>muttmerican flag

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I like how Lithuania is giving Russia a free casus beli

Stfu nobody is blocking their access by sea.

Oh okay. I was completely unaware that they reused the name.

Never been to Belarus but I’ve been to all the others and they’re not as bad as Kalingrad, not even Serbia. The entire oblast is a giant military base. Everything is rusted out and dumpy and there’s checkpoints with drunk guards everywhere who pretend to examine your papers but can’t even see straight.

Russia can literally just send ships to supply that shithole. They have no right to enter Lithuanian soil.

They’re going to take, then kill you. That’s literally what started WW2. Kys you evil faggot. You deserve to die

They aren't.

Yeah because Russia definitely wouldn’t be able to discover biolabs right on the border in need of de-nazification, or whatever.

You’ve been around. Pretty cool

It’s really funny how angry you guys have become lately. The bitterness has built up big time

>Everything is rusted out and dumpy and there’s checkpoints with drunk guards everywhere who pretend to examine your papers but can’t even see straight.
Replace "guards" with "mutt cops" and you just described every urban place in the US.

>NATO commits genocide to prove that they were the good guys all along

>because russia doesn't have any boats...

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Does Biden and his band of Jewish Hohols not realize that Russia will respond to this act of war? These kikes and their pedo puppet really are going to start WW3.

Only been to the Amsterdam airport in your country I’m afraid.

>whatabout America
No u

lmao, retarded glowie. You forgot that NATO is totally defensive alliance.