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The majority of women who get abortions are already mothers. They don't hate babies; they care more about child welfare than conservatives do. They care enough to want the best for a small family instead of a marginal upbringing for a larger one.

Read the turnaway study. There are a lot of myths about abortion demographics, and the ignorance is bad for children.

Wouldn't matter if it was. It's a CHICKEN.

Not fertilised

Yeah, because that's the egg you retard. It becomes a chicken (zygote) once inseminated.


Someone didn't pass high school biology.

If vegans can't eat eggs then women can't kill fetuses.

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chicken abortions for breakfast, chicken for dinner. its poetic. night and day, life and death, youth to old age..

Did you just IMPLY that poor children don’t deserve to live…?

Vegans btfo, eggs were alright all along

Yes, we know. Women want to abort babies if they feel their economic situation isn't good enough. Problem is, that compromises society and opens the door for all kinds of degeneracy and female "empowerment". You can either have empowered females, or a stable society, but not both. (we currently don't have a society)

False Equivalence
We don't have laws banning the killing of chickens. Full grown or otherwise

You are little chicken man, bok bok

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Why are American mutts so retarded talk about 0 IQ

Hey Mohammed shush up, the civilized folk are talking.

Most edible eggs aren't fertilized so they're literally just eggs

Came here to say this. Using a chicken egg like this as an argument is beyond retarded. The eggs we eat are closer to a chicken period than an unborn fetus

>leftists heckin' love science but apparently not high school biology

OL is dumb ad a fucking rock. It's also not even a fetus because it has not been fertiilized. It is only just an egg and can't be a chicken unless a rooster dumped its chicken cum in the whore hen that laid it,

You need to go back.

I never understood why vegans don't eat eggs since they lay them regardless if they're getting fucked or not. You can own a chicken and it will lay eggs whether you want it to or not. Might as well eat them.

Vegans are so dumb.

That's literally just a period. No fertilized eggs in that picture, they can never be a chicken.

Yes, unironically, no further questions.