Live in Utah

>live in Utah
>life is comfy
>roasties BTFO. No aborsh.
>women get idea
>Utah allows an exception for rape
>roastie gets on the apps
>gets preggo by Jamal
>go to false rape center and cry rape
>Uber to immediately aborsh
Why are “conservative” states like this? Watch the rape rate go up 500%.

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>Watch the rape rate go up 500%.
now the real question:
how to leverage that?

I say we just go back to good old-fashioned rape. They won’t know the difference. Simple as.

That's why I advocate banning abortion after the first trimester. As sickening as any abortion for convenience is, false rape accusations are going to be a real fucking problem soon. Guess that's just one more reason to wrap it up, or wait till marriage.

if you have sex with a woman then get it all on video and get her consent on film and don't be drunk or high and maybe even a consent paper like in that south park episode
or this

Yep. But there are ways to mitigate false rape. I was accused of date rape in university by a crazy bitch that I didn’t even fuck. After that, I learned to secretly video one night stands as an insurance policy. I never go to her place. Always mine. I have two hidden cameras.

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Mitt Romney approves of this false rape accusation.

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The "roasties" meme is abusive. Why are conservatives so much ruder than liberals?

>one politician proposes something
>"Why are conservative states like this?"

My point stands, dipshit. Roasties will claim rape to get abortions.

How the fuck is that a Mormon state ? Are Mormons retarded ?

What would you prefer? Cum slut?

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tl;dr: yes. Mormons are retarded. They used to be based, but now are doing BLM shit.

Son of a bitch, the leftie cultural influence is truly powerful.

It’s scary.

bring on the diesel engines

I just sat through a testimony where every single speaker went and railed that the federal government is evil and needs to be abolished, didn’t even address their actual testimony, so no, not really.


Most the Mormons I know hate fags and whores, yet cuck to niggers because everyone has 'muh soul' or some shit.

In France, when abortion got allowed, it was only for specific cases : rape, incest, risk for the mother's life, serious disease or diformity for the child. The problem is that the case "risk for the mother's life" quickly evolved into a free pass for all, women went to a doctor, said they were psychologically distressed over having a child, and were prescribed an abortion. This evolved into "abortions of convenience" that you could get very easily without any doctor involved. But this was up to the 14th week.
Recently, Macron's party made a new law allowing abortions up to 9 months in case of "psychosocial distress". Needless to say, this is basically a license to kill children. Just go to an hospital, cry about being a victim of the patriarchy, and get rid of your 9 months old child.
This is why allowing abortion for any reason has always been a mistake, and why it now needs to be banned altogether. Yes, there are valid reasons to abort, but this privilege, because that's what it is legally, has been abused so much by women, using it as a contraception method rather than using actual contraception despite the many and cheap offerings ; that it now has to be removed for everyone. This is collective punishment. It's a shame for a woman who has gotten raped by Tyrone and will have to carry his child, it's a shame for women who will have to raise a child with Down's syndrome, but that is how it is.

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