"The court actually TOOK a Constitutional right that has been recognized for half a century...

> "The court actually TOOK a Constitutional right that has been recognized for half a century... and took it from the Women of America"

> Taking a Constitutional right to kill babies is LE BAD
> Taking a Constitutional right to bear arms is LE GOOD

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the Hypocrisy of the Leftist.

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well the right to bear arms IS in the constituion, the SECOND ammendment
the right to PRIVACY doesn't cover murdering your offspring on a whim because you feel like it
they COULD maybe... I don't know... TRY to make a new ammendment and get it passrd into law
but they won't

These people shouldn't be in control of anything, yet here they are, in control of the fucking U.S.A.

No, Those are just the people they want you to think who are in control.
>Bilderberg group actually call the shots.

Yeah, this is the thing they generally miss. The 14th Amendment granting women the ability to get abortions is a pretty big fucking leap, and anyone who has actually read it can understand this.

I just think its hilarious that libtards think its perfectly fine to deny someone a Constitutional right as long as they don't agree with that person, but once it happens to them they immediately poop their pampers.

Satan needs his dead babies.
The Church of Satan will need to find the sacrificed souls via other mans now.

I must have missed that amendment

She isn't a leftist though. She is liberal.

I seem to remember many of them screaming to take away, or at least infringe upon another certain constitutional right until last Friday when they moved along in their outrage cycle. Sucks to suck I guess, cunt.

Shes a mindless idiot.
Civial war now!

There used to be a Constitutional right to own slaves until they took that away
>Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

women don't understand responsibility. Eve ate the apple that GOD told her not to eat. Women are not-full humans.

>Be god, make woman so my boy Adam has a place to park his cock
>"Alright bitch, you can do whatever you want. I'll roll out a few commandments in the future but for right now it's open season. You can do whatever you want, absolutely fucking anything except ONE thing. Don't eat the fruit from either of these trees, okay? Do whatever the fuck else you want....but don't fuck with these trees. That's it."
>Be woman
>Do whatever the fuck you want anyway
>Ruin literally everything

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Can you point where the Constitution hurt you?

> Condemn humanity to an eternity of suffering and death with this ONE WEIRD TRICK

As an aside, the "forbidden fruit" is generally referred to as an apple, but that's mainly due to sketchy translations. It is very likely that the first writings of Genesis were actually describing a fig.

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A liberal is a type of leftist.

You're right, everyone we see on the TV is a puppet of vary degree.

It's not a mistranslation, it's a play on words. The type of fruit is not specified in the text but "malum" is Latin for both "evil" and "apple."

>It is very likely that the first writings of Genesis were actually describing a fig.
On Any Forums it was floated that the "fruit" referred to was her first baby, as in "the fruit of her loins", so God was like, yo, whatever you do, don't eat your baby, but then Satan slithered in and said, if you eat your "fruit" you can have the knowledge God forbade you from having. She might've actually had sex and a "fruit" with the Serpent, as there were other humanoid beings on the planet at this time. Shit is crazy. Cain might have also been the Serpent's seed, thus his anger towards Abel, and likely where the word Cannibal (Cain-Abel) comes from.

The word GUN doesn't appear in the Constitution.

An actual "liberal" in the truest sense of the word would not advocate for gun control. These people are authoritarian wannabe socialists.

That is all nonsense, the word "cannibal" comes from the Spanish name for the Carib Indians.