Is homosexuality a mental illness or a choice?

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It's not a choice to suck a girly penis or finger a cute butthole

mental illness is a choice

almost all homos choose or are chemically fucked by older mom and chemicals in water


mental illness isn't real.

It’s both

Extreme loneliness mixed with some bpd or narcissism bullshit. Or they were tpuched by someone in their family


Both, its satanic possession.

>is it a mental illness
Yes, primarily. Biological mishaps also occur, but are insanely rare. More proper, uncensored research is needed.

>is it a choice
Yes, they choose to act on their urges. Homosexuality is a warped perception on the world, which cause psychological influences and behavioral urges. They CHOOSE to follow these disgusting urges.

Let us remind ourselves that to live well and just in the world is NOT to divulge in any and all urges that come along, especially deletrious ones that harm ourselves and our community. Instead, humans have elevated ourselves by discarding these urges and following behavior which is more conductive to a healthy, happy individual and thus a greater society as a whole.

We shouldn't punish people for their temptations, instead we should punish for their actions, even the Holy Bible claims that ALL are tempted by evil and by besting these temptations do we live better lives. Though I'm not a Christian myself.

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You can't choose. Something is miswired in the brain like autism. Any retard who thinks it's a choice is just bi without realizing it.


twinks are twinks what are they going to do

you can make someone homosexual by neuroticism, if a kid discovers it's sexuality and in it's process is denied the sexual urges by some authority, than what's prohibited becomes taboo and the same sex curiosity surges by substitution of the original taboo.

Have a family or die alone.

illness no, disorder yes.

It's a mental illness they choose not to fix.

Mental illness as defined by asking that question over and over or by already knowing how you're going to reject everyone's opinion anyway?

>Homosexuality is a warped perception on the world
They just like suck and fuck dick, their perception of the world isn't warped. They just like the same sex.

your """""""""normal"""""""""" fag has a fetish, thats all homosex is. its a disgusting and unhygenic fetish, like some fucker with a shit eating fetish, but it is a fetish

troons and the like are mentally ill and should either get medical treatment (pills) or at the very least psych treatment for the underlying condition

it's a choice insane faggot make.
everything in life if a choice